One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (25)

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"I hate you!" I screamed at Reece, throwing his crap all over the place.  "Why would you do this to me? Seriously? After everything?" I threw more of his stuff at him.

"RIVER? WHAT THE HELL? What did I even do?" He said, trying to look all innocent, but he knows well what he did.

"You know well what you did!" I hissed at him, causing him to take a step back. Good, he should be scared.

"River, I seriously have no clue, what the hell is wrong with you?" He shouted, trying to take his stuff from me, but I stepped back.

"You, you're still with that stupid blonde bitch! I thought you were going to leave her, but no, of course you decide to go back to her? Why? Why would you do that?" If I'm honest, this was a mix of both jealousy and hurt, because I had to walk in and catch the two of them, in my bed, not his, but mine.

"River, just lis-"

"Why my bed? What was wrong with yours? What happened? Did you just think all of a sudden you would christin mine?" I shouted, in complete anger, which startled Reece.

"I don't know River, I just-," he paused for a minute, "I don't know, I wasn't thinking."

"Seriously Reece, it's the end, no more us, or anything, I don't ever want anything to do with you again." I stormed out, not caring about what happens to me.


"Hey, you know pretty girls like you shouldn't be allowed in places like this?" This very handsome guy, wearing jeans, a black leather jacket, and he had dark hair with green eyes, he was gorgeous if I'm honest.

"And who's going to stop me?" Why River, why are you getting smart now, he's actually goodlooking!

"You don't seem like the type of girl with an attitude, it's very, how would you put it, off putting," he said while scrunching up his face, well then.

"Sorry, I'm usually not like this, just feeling crap," I looked down, kind of embarrassed.

"Well how about I take you out for something to eat, and you can tell me all about it," he gave a small smile, which I couldn't help but return.  He was sweet, but also intriguing, there was something about him that was mysterious.

"Sure," I smiled back.


"So that's why you're so mad? I know I don't know you, but in my opinion I think you could do a lot better, he obviously doesn't care," Nate said, while taking a bite from his burger. 

"I know, I don't know I just thought he liked me, but obviously not," I sighed looking down at my plate of curly fries, and a massive burger.

"Hey," he said, reaching out touching my hand, "listen don't worry about it, he obviously doesn't know what a gorgeous person he's missing out on."  I couldn't help but blush and look down.  I also felt the electricity for the brief second our hands touched,I couldn't ignore it as much as I tried.

"So anyway, tell me about you, the mysterious guy coming to save me," he left out a small laugh, and looked at me.

"Nothing much to tell, I moved here yesterday from Los Angeles, and now I'm here talking to you," he looked down, I knew there was something more, he was dark and mysterious, with a slight hint of hurt in his eyes.

"Why did you move?" Hoping to get a reaction, anything at all, but nothing, it didn't faze him at all, he just looked up at me and smiled.

"Now thats my own worries cupcake, speaking of cupcakes, come on, we've to go to the second part of our little date." He grabbed my hand after we were finished eating, and practically dragged me out.


"Oh my God! Nate, this is amazing!" I squealed as the massive ice-cream topped cupcake was served to me, how does he even know of this place?

"My dad used to always take me here before he passed, it's amazing isn't it," he smiled wide, as if proud of himself. I can't help but like the way his dimples are so prominent when he smiles.

"Yeah it is pretty amazing," I smiled big, forgetting about the food in my mouth, which caused Nate to burst out laughing. Oh how attractive River!
"I really like your smile," he blurted out, then turned a light shade of pink. To be honest so did I, I felt butterfly's.

"So, do I at least get your number?" He smiled, looking at me.

"Of course."

I gave him my number, and got his in exchange.  I gave him a small hug and thanked him for the great evening, then we parted.


"River where were you I was worried sick!" Reece said as soon as I came in.

"Nowhere," I started giggling lije a little school girl.

"River? Where were you?" He looked at me, cocking his head to the side.

"I met a lad," I said, turning serious.

"WHO?" He screeched, causing me to take a step back.

"It has nothing to do with you,," I said calmly, making sure I didn't get worked up.  "It's your own fault Reece." And with that I walked away and went into bed, I couldn't stop thinking about Nate.


Hey guys I am so sorry about such a late update! But it's here anyway.

What do ye think of Nate? 

Reece or Nate? 

Who should she stay with?

Love, Tanya xoxox

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