One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (16)

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After a few days, their was very little improvement with my legs. I still had next to no feeling. Reece's family helped so much, they practised walking with me the whole time. The darts of pain were regular, which is why the doctor prescribed the very strong pain killers, they work like a charm. I can wiggle my toes, but that's about it.

"I promise River, just keep trying." Reece had an arm around my waist, while my arm was around his shoulder. He was helping me to try and walk. I knew this wasn't going anywhere, I need to just come to terms with the fact that I won't ever walk again.

"Just forget it," I moaned taking my arm from around his shoulder, but quickly putting it back once I lose my balance.

"River?" A voice called from inside the house.

"Yeah?" I called back.

"There is someone here to see you." His mum shouted back. Who could be here to see me?

Once I was placed back into my wheelchair, I wheeled myself into the house, making my way over to the door. Once I reached the door, I couldn't help but dramatically gasp. It was Kylie.

"What do you want?" Reece said, gently resting his hand on my shoulder.

"I miss you Reecey." She said, strutting over to him. I felt him tense next to me.

"You know how much I hate being called that," he said 'that' with such venom, it even made me frightened.

"How come you didn't text me or call me, to meet up?" Even I knew what she meant be 'meet up', as for Reece, he didn't seem interested whatsoever.

"What are you doing here Kylie?" He put a hand to his head, as if she was giving him a headache, well if I'm honest, she was certainly giving me one.

"What am I doing here? More like what is she doing here?" She pointed at me, but contuined looking at Reece.

"She has a name Kylie," I saw him clench his fists, is he getting angry? Because of me?

"She is still sitting right here, look Leah said you're here to see me, not Reece, so what do you want?" Reece's head snapped to look at me, I can't blame him. Even I was surprised by what I said. As for Kylie, she was staring at me fire burning through her eyes.

"Listen, I don't care who you think you are, but you stay stay away fom Reece," I think she must of forgot that Reece was standing their, because as soon as she looked at him, her face turned bright red.

"How dare you, you do not tell River what to do, and what not to do," he took a threatening step towards Kylie, I felt so helpless.

"Reece it's fine,-" I knew he was going to cut me off, why do I bother trying?

"No River, it's not fine," he said.  Even Kylie looked scared.

"Just leave Kylie," he pointed towards the door, but his mum, Leah, came in.

"Kylie dear, would you like to stay for dinner?" No no no no no. "I mean, we have plenty of food to go around."

"MUM!" Reece shrieked in an unmanly girly way. 

"Pipe down Reece, I'm right next to you, no need to shout," she put a hand to her ear, as if him shouting hurt it.

"She is not staying," he said, quieter this time.

"Actually," I knew by the look on Kylie's face she had something planned. "I did fly all the way over here, and I am hungry." Reece narrowed his eyes at her, if looks could kill, Kylie would be six feet under. 

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