One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (13)

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So here we were, Sandy, Reece and myself, sitting on a plane making our way to North Carolina. The plane journey thankfully was only an hour and a half long, give or take a few. Sandy was quite throughout, which if I'm honest, is another surprise.

"So, what part of North Carolina are you taking us to then?" I asked, trying to get my luggage down from the over head cabin, it's hard when you've no legs.

"Jackson, my parents recently bought a new house their, I'm originally from Tennessee. That's where the county accent comes into play. He must of saw me saw me struggling because he reached up for me and brought it down.

"What about your folks? Are they country people?" I asked.

"Yeah they loved the country, we had our own ranch and everything," he laughed, as if he was reminiscing back on his time at the ranch.

"Do ye still own in?" I asked, picking Sandy up.

"Oh yeah, god they wouldn't dream of giving it up, nor would I," he smiled, a bright smile.

"You'll have to take me their, someday." I mentally slapped myself after saying this. Am I seriously after saying that?

"Maybe spring break?" He laughed, I didn't know weather to take it seriously or not, so I just muttered a small 'maybe' then continued walking out, Sandy clinging to me for dear life.

"Aren't you moving out after the holidays?" I suddenly realised, then all of a sudden I felt sad, very sad in fact.  As much as he annoyed me, how in gods name am I going to cope without him?

"Of course not," he stopped for a second to take Sandy off me, "now that you're a cripple and all, and I'm determinate to get you to walk again, I can't leave."

"You're right, you can't." I smiled at this, he isn't leaving.  "Do you think I'll walk again?"

"River, of course I think you will, you're special, and I don't mean that in a joking way either." He was smiling, but his eyes were completely serious. I smiled back.

"Thanks Reece, come here," I motioned for him to bend down to me, then gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.  His eyes opened wide for a few seconds, but then he smirked.

"I knew you wanted me River." Behind the smirk, I saw something else, I just don't know what it was.

"Oh shut up," I laughed.

After what seemed like forever, we finally arrived in Jackson.  I was getting very nervous now, I didn't know much about Reece's family.  In fact, I knew nothing about his family, bar they owned a ranch in Tennessee before they moved to Jackson.

"Did ye bring any horses back with ye?" We were now in a little village in Jackson, I can't remember what he said it was called if I'm honest. I do remember him telling me they lived a small bit out from it. 

"Yeah three, Junior loves his horse so we had to bring three," he said.  Who's Junior?

"Who's Junior?" I asked.

"My little brother, he's 14 now, he created up a storm when he found out my mum was moving." His mum? But he said his folks, doesn't that mean both his parents.

"What about your dad?" He stiffened, did I push too much?

"Let's just enjoy our time here, okay?" I smiled in response, a fake smile, but still a smile.

After about a half an hour in a taxi, we finally reached his mums house.  It was a nice house, out on its own.  It wasn't too big, but it looked cosy.  Their was horse stables, and a large field area.  They had this woods behind their house too, if I'm honest, the scenery was breath taking here.

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