One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (12)

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I would be lying if I said the next week was easy, it was undeniably difficult. I went to my classes like normal, earning stares from everywhere. Luckily we were due our Christmas holidays at the end of this week.

"Hello?" I answered my phone, without checking the callers I.D.

"River? I know you were expecting to come home for the Christmas break but your aunt is extremely sick and I've to fly to Tulsa to look after her." So now what do I do for the Christmas break?

"That's okay dad, honestly, I've a load of study to catch up o-."

"No River I was hoping you'd look after Sandy for me, she misses you terribly," he said. I felt bad now. I'm permanently in a wheel chair, how could I look after her?

"Yeah dad, that's perfectly okay, Reece and I will come pick her up later." I smiled, to make me sound happy about it. How could I be happy about looking after my baby sister in a wheelchair?

"Thanks sweetie, I owe you big time!" He said, genuine happiness in his voice.

"See you later so, bye dad, love you," I said.

"Love you too sweetie." I hung up after that.

"Who are we picking up?" Reece came in, without knocking once again.

"You shouldn't be listening to my conversations," I crossed my arms, scowling at him.

"When you talk so loudly, it's hard not to," he scowled back, jokingly. Reece and I have a very close friendship right now. I like him a lot more than a friend, and he said he likes me more than a friend. He'd never ever date me though, I mean, who'd want a girl you has wheels for feet.

"We've to go collect Sandy later, seeming as I'm now a cripple, you have to drive me." I pushed myself up, bringing my wheelchair closer. Then I stopped before I pushed myself in it.



"I want to try to walk." I said confidently. I wanted to try, at least.

"River, you know what the doc-."

"I don't care what the stupid doctor said, I don't need a miracle to walk, I just need determination, please Reece, help me a small bit every day, please." He looked at me for a few seconds, before slowly nodding his head. "Okay, then help me up so," I said, holding out my arms like a baby. He helped me up without any effort, and placed me so I was sitting. I still can't feel a single thing in my legs, but I know if I keep trying to walk, I'll get their eventually, right?

"Ready?" Reece said.

"Ready." I said.

Reece helped me so I was standing, with his support obviously. I haven't stood up in about a week, this feels amazing. Even though I was resting against Reece, most of my weight supported by him, I was still standing.

"Come on River, try take a step." I tried my hardest to move my leg, but nah, nothing happened. This wasn't going to happen over night, I needed to keep and keep on practising.

"I can't," I looked down, obviously disappointed.

"Well then we'll have to keep on trying until you can River, I believe in you more than anything, just keep trying." I smiled up big at him, hearing that someone believed in me, was more than ever wanting to walk. Well no, I'd still like to walk, but you get my drift.

"Reece?" I looked down nervously.

"Yeah?" He looked at me, his features softing.

"Nothing, never mind, it's stu-."

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