One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (6)

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I was ugly. I had two black eyes, a swollen cheek, a busted lip. And that was my face. As for my body, it was swollen black and blue. I know Kylie was one culprit, but who was the guy? Reece wouldn't tell me. The only plus side to this is Reece and I have become super close. He hasn't left the apartment, nor has any girls come around.

After my shower, I stared in the mirror. This isn't going to heal for ages. Why did they do this? What have I ever done to them?

"River? Are you okay?" He shouted through the door.

"Yeah." I swallowed back to tears before getting dressed a walking out. And then I frooze, their was Kylie sitting on the sofa. I was scared now, I began to shake.

"Please d-don't hurt m-me." Was all I managed to get out. I was terrified out her. I wasn't a tough person. The only traumatic thing I have ever been through was what happened with my mam. Other than that, I'm not used to this.

"Oh shut up you coward." She snapped at me, causing me to wince. Reece came over putting an arm around my shoulder, making her scowl.

"Kylie you said you would apologise?" Reece sound beyond pissed.

"But Reece baby I did apologise to you." I watched as Reece began to tense. Causing me to cower away. I ran into my bedroom, terrified. I heard shouting and roaring, then a door slamming. He's going to come and get me, I need to hide. Before I got a chance he barged in.

"STOP! STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed. I was backed into a corner now. I know what people are thinking, but I can't help but be terrified of everything that moves now.

"River please, it's just me." I slowly crawled towards him. I knew he didn't like to be touched, but right now I needed a hug. I think he senses that too because he pulled me in for a quick hug then left again, bringing me with him.

"I promise River, no one will hurt you." He said, giving my small hand a squeeze before letting go. I don't know why, but I would hate for Reece to go back to his old ways, I liked this side to him a hell of a lot better.

"Thanks," I very quietly muttered. I have barely talked since the incident, incase I say something wrong and get another beating.


Another few days passed and the bruises only got worse.  They were turning from a purple/black colour, to a very ugly green/purple and yellow colour.  I looked disgusting, and I knew Reece was getting sick of being kept inside the whole time.  I didn't ask him to, he seemed to want to help, but I don't know why.  He hasn't slept with a girl since the incident, he's slept on the floor in my room.  Why is he doing this for me? 

"Reece?" I said while eating the food Reece prepared.

"Mmm?" He hummed with his mouthful.

"If you want to go out with your friends and get laid you can, I don't want to be the reason you're not." I felt really guilty, and I knew I had to tell Kiera soon as well.  She was coming around today, I was going to tell her then.

"Reece?" I called again, quietly.

"I'm going to tell Kiera today about our one night stand." I looked down, my cheeks turning pink.

"Why?" He snapped.

"Because she really likes you Reece, it isn't fair." I don't know what I was more upset by, the fact he was still ashamed of me, or the look on Kiera's face when I tell her.

"Am I that embarrassing Reece? I thought we were friends, but you are still completely embarrassed about me." I was getting angry by now.  Was I really that ugly?

"No River it's not that at all," he pleaded.  I didn't need to hear it.

"No Reece, am I that ugly? Is that what it is? I'm ugly, and you can dare let anyone know the precious bad boy slept with an ugly shit like me?" I shouted.  I was hurt, and when I was hurt my mouth wont stop. "You got dared to kiss me at the party and you barely even touched my lips, do I repulse you that much Reece?"

"RIVER WILL YOU FUCKING LISTEN TO ME!" He screamed at me, but for once it didn't faze me.


"BECAUSE RIVER, I CANT SEEM TO GET YOU OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD!" He screamed.   I kept silent, waiting for him to continue.  He ran a hand through his hair then continued.  "Look okay, since that one night stand I can't get over you.  Ever since you told me that you were ashamed of me.  No girls ever done that you know." He looked down, blushing.  "And that stupid freaking dimple when you smile." Was he being serious?

"I haven't been able to stop thinking of the one night stand either." I admitted honestly.  Their was just something about Reece that got to me.  I don't find many guys attractive but as for him, I thought he was beyond attractive.

"W-What?" My head snapped to my right to see Kiera standing at the door.

"Who had a one night stand?" She came in, closing the door behind her.

"Kiera please just hea-."

"WHO?" She shouted folding her arms.

"Reece and I." I kept my head down, I couldn't bring myself to meet her eyes.

"Are you serious?" I looked and could see the tears welling up in her eyes. I am a terrible person.

"I-I'm so s-sorry it was t-the night we went to the n-night club and you f-flirted with two guys, then R-Reece bought me a few shots." Her tears now fell freely. "We both agreed it was a mistake Kiera, I promise." I pleaded.

"Look Kiera, I sleep with girls the whole time, you shouldn't have a had a crush on me in the first place." He shrugged.  IS HE TRYING TO MAKE THIS BETTER OR WORSE?

"You didn't even tell me River, you didn't have the guts to tell me. Maybe if you told me we could have sorted it out, but you kept it from me. That's what hurts the most.  It wasn't his job to tell me, I'm not best friends with him." I could feel how hurt and angry she was, she isn't going to forgive me.

"Kiera pl-." I tried, but she cut me off almost straight away.

"No River okay, not this time." She wiped the tears from her eyes then turned around to leave.  "You deserved that beating, you know that?" With that she was gone.  How could she say something so harsh? But maybe she's right, maybe, just maybe, I did deserve it.

"River I'm so sorry," Reece said.

"Look it's fine okay, it was my fault too." It wasn't fine obviously.  I had maths and some chemistry today, great thing was Kiera was in both.

I got changed into a pair of jeans with a baggy sweater.  A lot of my confidence is gone now, so this was going to hard, going to class with a face full of bruises, yay.

I am a terrible person she has been their with me through everything.  And this is how I repay her.  Everyone is going to hate me, and I can't blame them.  Kiera wont ever talk to me again, she was right, I deserved what I got.


Short chapter, sorry about that guys!

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