One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (10)

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"Are you listening to me Ms. Wild?" Ms. Corbett asked, my maths teacher, or lecture, I'm having trouble with all these college terms. No of course I wasn't listening, I did all this in high school already.

"Yes Miss." I said. Lies.

"Then what's the answer to this?" I looked at the board, and worked out the answer fairly fast.

"4," I said confidently.  I was a wiz at maths.

"Correct, pay attention Ms. Wild." She gave me a stern look the continued with the work.

"Pssst River." A note got fired off my head, making me jump.  I looked around but couldn't find who wrote it. I debated on whether to open it or not, but decided to.

Stupid Bitch xo

And their was a picture of a monster under it, I suppose that was meant to be me.  I sighed and scrunched it up.  The taunting and notes have been getting worse and worse through the weeks.  A lot of the girls hated me now, because of sleeping with Reece.

"Ignore it River," Reece said.  He say next to me in the classes he was in.  And Trevor or Cian sat next to me in the classes he wasn't.  The other guys were in none of my classes. 

"I know." I smiled at him, a big fat fake smile.

"Mr. Collins, what's the problem?" Reece smirked, what is he up to?

"Kiera and Kylie gave this to me before I came, they said it was of you Miss." Reece stood up from his chair, taking the notes from my hands and bringing it up to you Professor Corbett.  He ignored all the stares and whispers. All the girls were staring at him dreamily, and me deathly.

"I just thought you would like to see it Miss." He handed her the note.  Her eyes darkened the minute she opened the note.

"KYLIE AND KIERA, DEANS OFFICE NOW!" I couldn't help but smirk, you go Reece.  For the lecturer to use their first names definitely meant it was serious.

"Thank you Mr. Collins, I appreciate you showing me this." She smiled at Reece before he went back to his seat, winking at me on the way up.

"Thanks Reece." I smiled at him, which he returned.

"No problem princess." He winked again. Don't ever call me princess.

The rest of the day was okay, it was cold though.  Freezing for that matter. Their was light snow starting, it was going to be flooded with snow by the end of the day. But do you know what that means? ICE SKATING!

"It's so cold." I cuddled further into Trevor, he had a massive hoodie on.  It was so cozy.

"The place will be completely covered in snow by tomorrow," Cian said.

"The girls will have no problem keeping warm with Reece anyway," Tucker said. Because I have a stupid crush, of course a pang of jealousy hit my chest.

"Let's just thank god it isn't us, we won't have to check for an S.T.D," I joked, earning a playful glare from Reece. Good way to hide your jealousy River.

"Shut up," he laughed.

"Make me," I teased.

"Wouldn't you love that." Yes, Shut up River.

"You wish." I stuck out my tongue at him.

"You could cut the sexual tension here with a knife." Jee guys, way to make a moment awkward.

"Please do cut it with a knife, because the way Reece looks at Cian makes me nervous." I scrunched my nose up while saying this, causing everyone bar Reece to laugh.

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