One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (19)

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It's the day before we go home, and Reece and I have our date tonight, I'm just hoping it goes how I planned. 

"Thinking about me again are we?" I felt a body brush past me, I knew without looking it was Reece.

"You wish," I snorted unattractively.

"I don't have to wish River," he laughed, I wanted to defend myself, but I'm a bad liar what can I say.

"So, where are we going tonight ?" I chirped up, thinking about the date.

"It's a surprise," he winked, causing me to hyperventilate.  Wow, I sound like such a teenager. 

"I don't like surprises," I whined, causing him to sigh.

"Do you want to go?" He asked annoyance clear in his voice.

"I do, why do you not want to go anymore," I asked bowing my head in disappointment.

"Of course I do," he said softly, "just wait, please," he spoke so gently I wanted to cry.

"Just give me a teeeeeeney tinnnny hint." When he scowled at me, I decided then it was time to close my mouth.

"Do you have any apples?" I decided to ask to break the awkward silence.

"Their right in front of you?" He said, looking straight at them.

"Oh," I said, my cheeks turning red.

"Are you not going to have one?" He looked so confused.

"Nope," I said, popping the 'p', "I just wanted to know if you had any," I got up, and went straight to our room, closing the door. "You're such an idiot River," I said to myself.  How could I be so silly? Oh no I was just wondering if you had any, I am so stupid.

"River?" A knock came from the door.

"Come in," I said weakly.

"Hey," Reece said quietly. 

"Do you want something?" Well that came out harsher than intended.

"You." He said, then came over and kissed me.  I couldn't help but stand their in shock for a second, but it wasn't long before I kissed him back.  The kiss got extremely intense, that his hand even slipped up my top without me realising.  I can't sleep with him again before our first date, can I?

I got so lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice him pull away.

"Don't worry, I just needed a small taster," he winked, then created a reasonable amount of space between us.

"A taster of what?" I asked, confuse by this.

"What it felt like to be some bit intimate with you, by the way, it's great," he gave a genuine smile, then left.  I let out a very shaky breath as soon as he left. The affect he has on me is getting out of control.


"So, are you going to tell me where we're going now?" I asked for the twentieth time, as Reece lead me blind folded on the horse.

"River please, just shut up for two seconds." I knew I was annoying him, but like I said previously, I hated surprises.

"River?" I continued to ignore him, no one snaps at me and gets away with it.

"River please talk to me," he pleaded.  Nah bitch, I ain't going to talk to you now.

"FINE, I'm sorry," he sighed.

"It's fine," I chirped up, now that I got an apology out of him. "So, where are we going," I asked happily.

"We'll be their in a few seconds, just hush, please."

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