One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (22)

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"I feel so crappy," Reece moaned, as he crouched over the toilet bowl.

"It's your own fault for getting so intoxicated," I shrugged, leaning against the door frame, pretending to look at my nails. 

"Thanks mom," he said, giving me his signature death glare, all I could do was roll my eyes, but immediately focusing back on my nails. I couldn't look at him, no way.

"River," he moaned again, while getting sick. Lovely, he thinks of me while his intestines are in the toilet.

"Stop being such a baby," I grunted, attractive River, well done.

"ME! A baby?! How dare you," he tried to shout, but his voice came out in a pathetic hoarse sound.  I couldn't contain myself from laughing, earning another signature glare from him.

"I really don't know why you drank so much Reece, you knew you would be like this, and were back to college as well, like are you ever going to learn at all?" Well now I definitely sound like his mom. Nice one River.

"River?" He said, his head still stuck in the toilet bowl.  My heart began to race, maybe he did remember last night, oh no.

"Mmhmm?" I answered quietly.

"Shut up," he hoarsely said. My heart sank to the floor, I really didn't know what to do, so I just left the room and went into my bedroom to get dressed. 

I picked out a nice light blue pair of boyfriend jeans, and a hoodie.  I lightly did my make up, not bothering to contour because, well who's got time for that, eh?

"River?" My door flew open, and there was Reece standing there in all his sexiness.

"Y-yeah?" I gulped, not even hiding the fact I was staring at his body like some crazed pervert.

"You left your bra in my room, can you please remove it," he said, a look of disgust on his face.

"Aw is the bad boy scared of bras?" I teased, walking over to him.

"Aw is the good girl mesmerised by my body?" He teased back.

"Nothing to mesmerised by," I shrugged.

"Nothing to be disgusted by," he shrugged also.

"Fine then." I huffed.

"Fine." He huffed back.

"Okay," I sighed.

"Okay," he sighed in return. I got up and began to walk out, when he grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"And by the way, you look beautiful," he placed the most gentle kiss ever upon my cheek, winked, and then left, closing the door behind him. I stood there, I just stood, staring at my now closed door, not knowing what to do.  Wait, what about my bra? Ah he can keep it I suppose. 


"RIVER?! FOR THE LAST TIME, PAY ATTENTION!" The teacher shouted at me.  To be honest, I can't blame her, I've been zoning in and out throughout the entire class. All I can think about is what happened a few days ago with Reece kissing me on the cheek and calling me beautiful.

"Sorry," I muttered, not looking up. I hated to be shouted at in front of other people, it made me feel nervous.

"Pssst," I ever so slightly turned my head to the left, and a piece of paper hit the side of my head, giving me a fright. I bent down, and picked up the note, unraveling it while doing so.

Keep going, I dare you, turn the note around. Xo

I rolled my eyes, and began to laugh, was this seriously Kylie's best attempt to be threatening.

"THATS IT RIVER! OUT! NOW!" She screamed, I rolled my eyes and got up out of my seat, I don't know why I found this so funny.


"And she kicked you out?" Reece said, as we were sitting in the new Café down the road, having a drink of hot chocolate.

"Reece?" I asked, taking a huge breathe in.

"Do you a-ahm remember the n-night you w-were drunk yeah?" I asked, staring at the half full hot chocolate, not daring to look at him. But I could feel him tense up opposite me. Why am I bringing this up? He obviously doesn't want to talk about any of it.

"Yeah," he sighed, looking down at his hot chocolate.

"A-ahm, well, I-I,-"

"Yes River, I remember what I said, did I mean it? I don't know.  You make me feel happy, and myself, I don't want to complicate it River," he sighed, not looking up from his drink once.  Which I suppose is a good thing, it means he doesn't have to see the big dopey smile on my face. 

"Come on," I grabbed his hand, leading him out of the little café.

"Where are we going?" He moaned, the whole there.

"Here, have a bar of chocolate and shut up," I said, throwing the bar into his lap.

"We've been driving for ages," he whined again, like a seven year old child.

"You'll see, just shut up," I snapped playfully, then concentrated completely on driving. 


"River, this, it's just amazing," he said, staring into the night sky, full of stars. "How did you find this?" He breathed.

"When you're angry, it's freaking crazy the places you find," I half laughed, half shrugged. 

So we sat on the bonnet of my car, under the moonlight and stars, for hours, just talking and not even caring about anything or anyone else, it was perfect.

"She sent you a note," Reece snort laughed, it had to be there cutest thing ever.

"Yeah," I laughed as well, "I got kicked out and everything," I laughed even more, which cause him to laugh even more, until we were both crying from laughter.

"Just promise me something River?" He said, turning into seriousness again.

I nodded my head, telling him to continue.

"Just promise you won't leave anyone get between what we have going on now.  We are in such a good place now, I don't want anyone ruining it with stupid notes or anything," he said, looking me dead straight in the eye.

"Of course Reece, I promise.  I don't care what people say.  That's their problem not mine, nothing will ruin what we have going on, I promise that as well," I said in all seriousness, while cupping his perfectly sculpted cheek.  I placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, then got off the bonnet of the car, "come on, we better get back." I smiled.

"Wait," he said, and then put his arms around my waist, and kissed me. There was energy flying everywhere, and so much passion in one kiss, I feel like I'm going crazy.

"That's just to show you how I feel," he whispered into my ear just before letting go, safe to say I drove us home with a massive smile on my face.


Hey guys,
Tanya here, new chapter finally! I know I don't update as soon as I should be, or as regularly as I used, I've been so busy with boxing, but thank you to all the reads and all the people who have stayed and still wait for updates seriously!

Love Tanya xo

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