One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (21)

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"Please River, just talk to me," Reece whined, as I made myself some toast. I made it my job to continue to ignore him.

"I didn't use you for sex River," he whined again, is he ever going to stop.

"Look," I said, turning around to glare at him, "it was you that said I meant nothing to you," I narrowed my eyes, searching for something.

"But I didn't mean it," he whined for the third time this morning, "I told you, I just can't handle the questions."

"Well that's your problem isn't it," I said, while taking my plate and making my way over to the couch. 

"What do you want me to do River?" He sighed in frustration.

"Just leave," I said, not even taking a small glance at him.

"Fine," he sighed again, then left slamming the door behind him.

As soon as he was gone, I regretted telling him to leave.  The loss of his presence made me feel lonely, and I hated this feeling.  I needed to go find him, and apologise for being such a bitch.

I searched everywhere, but still no sign of him.  Where the hell could he have gone? This is all my fault, I felt so guilty.

"Reece?" I called out, but nothing.  Kiera might know where he is, I mean they did have a thing before. Well, by a thing, I mean he had sex with her, than told her he didn't like her, but hey, who am I to judge, right?

"Kiera?" I knocked on the door, waiting for her to answer.

"Yeah," she opened up, looking sweaty.  She must of been at the gym or something, she's been trying to loose weight for so long now, even though she doesn't need to.

"Have you seen Reece," I swayed back and forth awkwardly, immediately regretting my decision to come here.

"Aahhh-," she stopped, as she was cut off by a guy coming up behind her. As soon as I saw who it was, I burst out laughing.

"Ahm, River? What's so funny?" She looked confused, which made me laugh even more.

"Y-You, a-and T-T-Trevor," I just about managed to laugh out.

"Annnnd?" She stretched out.

"J-Just give m-me a m-minute," I couldn't help but crouch over in laughter.

"Bye River," she was about to slam the door in my face, but I caught it just before she did.

"WAIT!" I shrieked, snapping out of my laughter. "I'm sorry, have you seen Reece anywhere though? I really need to find him an-,"

"Chill baby, I'm here." The smell of alcohol made me want to puke everything, but I ignored it.

"Where did you go Reece? And what are you doing here?" I asked, turning myself to look at him.

He looked horrible, his face was tired and drawn, his hair was tousled but not in a sexy way, in a way that made me want to run a mile.

"You know baby if you really wanted to stare you could have just asked," he slurred, hanging an arm loosely around my waist.

"N-no you're fine, come on Reece," u tried to bite back the tears. Seeing Reece like this broke my heart, I can't believe that I did this to him.


"R-River," Reece slurred, his head in the toilet bowl.

"It's fine Reece, honestly just forget about it," I said, rubbing his back soothingly.

"Why are you so amazing b-baby," he cried, while my cheeks flamed red.

"You're drunk Reece, you don't mean that," I smiled kindly at him while he looked up at me.

"But I do R-River, of course I m-mean it," he looked so genuine that I almost believe him, almost.

"Look we can talk about it tomorrow," I gave another kind smile in his direction, "come on then, we need to get you to bed."

"I'm not a baby," he pouted, looking me dead straight into the eyes. I don't know why but I couldn't help but blush under his stare, and of course then look away.

But of course, like every cliché movie, book and TV show, he ever so gently placed his hand on my cheek, and turned my head to face him.

"Don't look away from River, you're beautiful, even when you blush," he said it so sincerely, that I believed him this time, and if I'm honest, I didn't care if it was the wrong thing to do, it felt so right.

"You won't remember any of this in the morning Reece," I looked away again, not able to stare at him any longer, "please can we just go to sleep, I'll talk to you in the morning."


"River?" I felt somebody shaking me, it only took me a few seconds to recognise the voice.

"Reece?" I half whispered, half shouted. "What in gods name do you want? It's three o clock in the morning, and you're here, shaking me as if there's a freakin' earthquake?" I yelled in a whisper.

"I'm sorry I couldn't sleep," he pouted, giving me his best puppy dog eyes. "I need a cuddle buddy?"

"Just get in and shut up." What in gods name am I saying? I just need to go back to sleep and maybe this will be fine in the morning, or maybe I'm just dreaming. I was just about to drift back to sleep, until two arms came around my waist, but I was too tired to care, and let's just say I didn't exactly want the warmth to go.

"River," he whispered into my ear.

"Hmm?" I mumbled in response, too comfortable to answer properly.

"I think I'm in love with you." I froze, I couldn't move, I couldn't even think. Nobody has ever said that to me, and I didn't know if it was the drink, or him, but for some reason I believed it, and I genuinely did feel the same. I couldn't say it back though, because I knew if I did and he was still drunk, I'd never let it down.

"Night Reece," I whispered, as tears slowly slid down my cheeks.

"Night baby," he whispered back, pulling me closer to him.

And for the rest of the night while he slept, I just silently cried to myself and I really don't know why, all I do know is that I'm dreading the morning.


I am so so sorry about being so late with an update, I've just been unbelievably busy, with school and boxing.

I hope I still have some readers there that are following this story!

I promise I'll get back on too of things again.

Don't forget to leave a vote and comment to tell me what ye think.

Love Tanya xo

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