One Night Stand With The Bad Boy (23)

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I haven't been able to get the massive smile off my face all today, Reece kissed me last night, what the hell am I suppose to do now? I don't want to fall for him, but I know I'm beginning to.

"Stay away from Reece!" A whisper said into my ear, but it was gone before I turned around. The scary thing about this though, was that it was a males voice, not a females.


"Aaaahhh!" I screamed, dropping all my books on the floor. Then a group of lads laughed passing me out, idiots.

I bent down to collect all the books that fell, when an extra pair of hands began to help.

"O-oh ahm you don't have to-,"

"I want to," he spoke so gently, it made my heart melt. I looked up, and was greeted by these beautiful baby blue eyes, I froze.

"Ahm, are you okay?" He coughed, half smiling at the same time.

"Yeah I'm a-ahm, I'm-,"

"She's fine," a voice said next to me. Straight away I knew it was Reece.

"Oh shoot I didn't know ye were together, I'm new so-."

"Were not together!" He snapped. I don't know why, or how, but I felt my heart drop completely. I knew we weren't together, but for him to turn around and snap that straight away.

"Oh, well I'm Riley," he stuck out his hand, waiting patiently for someone to shake it. I quickly extended my hand in return, even if Reece was being jealous.

"River," I smiled, looking down.

"River? What a pretty name," he smiled, then he let go of my hand.

"Yeah now bye," Reece snapped once again, then dragged me away.

"I'll see you around River," he shouted, causing people to look which then caused me to blush. 

"What is your problem?" I said to Reece as soon as we were away from everyone.

"Nothing!" He snapped for like the one hundredth time today. 

"All he did was help me, he didn't do anything else," I said, feeling myself getting angry, I needed to stop.

"Didn't do anything else? He tried to touch you!" He shrieked.

"TOUCH ME? REECE HE SHOOK MY HAND!" I shouted back, waving my hands around like a complete nutter.

"Still tried to touch you," he huffed, not looking at me.  I hate to admit it, but this was the cutest thing I've ever seen. 

"And if he did? So what?" I said, raising my eyebrows at him, which caused him to raise his eyebrows back at me. 

"Fine! I'll just go around and go back to the way I was before I met you and before I started falling for you," he said, but soon his eyes opened wide, and so did mine, I frooze, and he frooze.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"A-ahm, n-nothing, I just -,"

"Reece baby hey," this blonde girl came over, wrapping herself around him.

"Oh, Courtney, hey," he said to her, giving her a pathetic attempt of a smile, who the hell is this girl.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but who are you?" I asked her, not letting my eyes leave Reece's.

"I'm Reece's girlfriend, who are you?" She asked, glaring at me.  I stared, with my eyes bulging out of my head, and my jaw resting comfortably on the floor.

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