Chapter One: At the Circus

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The two boys stepped out of the sleek black limousine. A crowd soon gathered around the expensive vehicle.

"Oh wow Mommy! Look! Rich people!"

"Man that's one cool car!"

"Eek Daddy! That boy is scary!"

"Uh, Young Lord, we should probably head in. We're drawing attention."

"Huh? Oh yeah. Thanks Tetsuya."

The light brown haired boy smiled at his red-headed friend. "Of course, young Lord."


"Young lord, why did you want to come here exactly?" Tetsuya glanced around at the huge crowd of people, the smell of fried squid and cotton candy wafted up his nose.

"Haruhi said she enjoyed this place when I talked to her yesterday, so... I thought I should check it out." The redheaded next-in-line Godfather, AKA Ritsu Kasanoda, looked up at the clear blue sky, watching a few birds fly overhead. A woman in bright clothing approached them, her painted face in a wide closed-eye smile.

"Helloo~! Enjoying the festivities boys?"

Ritsu looked at Tetsuya and then back to the lady. "Uh, y-yeah it's fun."

She twirled in an almost too happy fashion and, with that same smile on her face, poked Ritsu in the gut, making him step back.

"Well! Be sure you check out the show tonight~! It's the highlight of the circus, you're sure to enjoy it!"

"Um. Thanks, I guess." He gave Tetsuya a looked that said What the hell is up with this lady?

"Anytime! Enjoy this amazing circus!" She smiled, but for the first time in the entire conversation, she opened her eyes and looked them dead in the theirs, making them flinch. Her pupils were small, red veins webbed their way through her should-be whites. They screamed panic and fear. She closed them quickly and gave them a smile they now knew was fake. "As I said, don't miss the performance~! See ya!" With that, she skipped away.

Ritsu and Tetsuya shared an uneasy look. Something was definitely wrong here.


The two took their seats in the gigantic tent, and awaited the show.

"Young Lord, are you sure you want to stay? We could always leave if-"

"I'm fine Tetsuya. I wanna find out why that lady was so scared. She said to come here so that's what we're gonna do." He said with a determined look. Tetsuya sighed.

"If that's what you want, Young Lord..."

A few minutes later, a tall man walked out to the center of the platform. He had a long crooked nose and a small mouse-like face. He wore a bright purple jacket over a yellow and blue plaid shirt and bright red pants. A tall black top hat adorned his head.

His voice was low and loud as he announced the show about to happen with wide gestures.

"Everything you are about to see, I assure you, is ALL 100% real! No illusions, no tricks, just pure unadulterated skill, demonstrating the amazing capabilities of man! So, without further ado, let the performance begin!" He waved his hands upwards in a spectacular fashion as rings and stands were set ablaze in bright orange flickering flames, and spotlights beamed white lights, illuminating various performers posing in different corners of the large stage.

"I don't know about you, young lord, but this doesn't seem to be frightening at all."

"Guess we'll just have to wait and see."

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