Chapter Twenty Five: Tuesday~Clear Spots

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Haruhi's POV

School had ended, meaning my day could begin.

I couldn't wait to see my Big Sis again, it had been so long since I could actually talk to her. I stepped through her hospital door and smiled as I saw her sip some water and stare out the window.

Before I could say anything, she glanced at the door, and eagerly leaped out of bed to hug me.

"Sis!" She squeezed me tightly before pulling back and laughing, dragging me next to her so I could sit down with her as she sat up in bed.

I giggled and smiled. "Hey Big Sis." I said happily, tears bubbling at my eyes. "I missed you."

She squeezed my hand and smiled comfortingly. She gently wiped away the tears forming in my eyes and spoke quietly. "I missed you too."

I laughed lightly. "So how was sleeping for two months?"

A weak chuckle escaped her lips before speaking softly. "Not as relaxing as you'd think. Pretty sure I woke up more tired then I was before."

"Heh, doesn't surprise me. I think that's definitely enough sleep to make you overtired. How are you feeling?"

She gave a weak smile. "Could be worse. I have this migraine that won't go away and I'm still pretty weak but I could be a lot worse. How are you and Tamaki?"

Tamaki. I couldn't help having a blush form on my face at the mention of my secret boyfriend. She giggled. "You're face turned red. C'mon spill it, I want to know everything that's happened with you two."

I sighed in defeat. "Guess I have no choice, huh?"

"None whatsoever. Now talk." She commanded with a smirk on her face. I laughed and began to give her an update.

"Well.... We went on our four month anniversary date two days ago..."

Tsuki smiled and laughed "Four months already?! That's insane!"

I giggled as my face turned redder at the remembrance of our date. "It really was... He set up this huge thing with flowers and an orchestra..."

She smiled lovingly "That's so romantic and sweet..."

"Yeah it-"

"...and there's no way he didn't do something stupid, spill it Fujioka!"

I fidgeted, not wanting to recount that particular part of the otherwise amazing date. "There may or may not have been a giant ice sculpture...


"...of us kissing..."


"...on a giant swan made of roses and hearts...."

"Oh no."

"...presented with a corresponding song he wrote..."

"Oh god no."

I cleared my throat and imitated his voice "'You may be more masculine and indifferent then most, my sweet, But I love you so here's a song as my special treat!' That's when he released a bunch of doves in the restaurant..."

"Oh god please no, that didn't happen. Please tell me he didn't do or say any of that."

I sighed, deadpanning at the idiocy of my boyfriend. "Unfortunately yes..."

She face palmed and groaned. "What am I going to do with that kid..." She chuckled to herself.

She still doesn't know that idiot is her brother... I smiled sadly. This is torture for Tamaki... Knowing he has a sister but that she doesn't even recognize him... A small tear traced down my cheek.

"Sis...? Why are you crying...?" Tsuki gently held my hand and looked at me with worry. I quickly wiped the tear away and looked at it resting on my finger. A tiny and clear salty tear. I gave Tsuki a strange look. "How did you know I was crying?"

She shrugged. "There's a faint scent of salt water, but mostly it's because I saw it."

I fell backwards in shock. "YOU WHAT?!?!"

She laughed and reached out a hand to help me up. "It's not a big deal. Ever since these migraines started, every once in a while, when it hurts quite a bit, I'd get a few small clear spots in my vision. They go away almost immediately, so it's not a huge deal."

"D-Do you think they're bringing back your sight?!" I said excitedly.

"No, I doubt it. I've gotten clear spots in my vision before, these just come with headaches." She giggled and groaned as her migraine intensified. I looked at her, worry clearly etched on my face. "Tsuki...? You okay?"

She tried to shrug it off but she ended up clutching her head in pain, her long hair tangling around her fingers.


She smiled weakly as she shook violently "I-I'm fine... Just.... Just give me a second..."

I stood up and ran to the door, yelling for a nurse before coming back to her and sighing. "Y'know Tsuki, I know you don't want to make people worry but when you're in pain we want to help... All of us, Mori and Hunny Senpai and Kyoya and Tamaki, even those obnoxious twins... We all care about you, we want you to be okay. Let us help you every once in a while okay?"

She smiled sadly as her eyes drifted closed. "I'm sorry..."

I looked at her confused. "Tsuki? What do you-"

"I can't do that..." I could see small droplets of tears forming at the corners of her tightly closed eyes. "I won't have anyone else... I care about... Get hurt because they... Protected me...."

I stared in awe of her as the nurse came in and took me out of the room. I didn't really notice that though. I didn't notice when more nurses rushed in, or when the door closed in my face. I only noticed the small sound escaping Tsuki's lips right before I was pulled away.

"I'm sorry... Sensei..."


A few hours passed before I was allowed to go back into Tsuki's room. When I stepped in, a fluid bag was hooked up to her wrist, and she seemed to be asleep. I quietly took the clipboard by her bed and read the update on her condition.

"Traces of unknown substance found in blood.... Probable cause of migraines... Doctors orders to ensure hydration..." Confused, I turned the page, finding it blank. I read the update again and became even more confused. "So there's something in her blood they can't identify and the only thing they do is give her more water? What kind of doctor would do nothing about this?" I glanced through the information, trying to find the doctor Tsuki is in care of. My eyes widened as I saw the name, shock shaking my hands and making me drop the clipboard, the harsh crash ringing against the solid walls of the room. Tsuki groaned at the sound and slowly sat up. "Haruhi...? Did something fall, you okay...?"

The text on the paper was imprinted in my brain. I bit my lip, trying to understand what this meant.

"Doctor Yuuichi Ootori... Why are you doing this?"


Hi guys! I know, I know, it's been forever since I've updated. For a while I lost motivation, but reading all of your comments made me inspired again so thank you so much! Anyways, along with this chapter is a picture of a new cover photo I might use. What do you think? Better than the one I currently have or should I stick with this one? I hope you enjoyed, please leave a comment because I always love to read them, and I'll see you in the next chapter! Toodles~!

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