Chapter Ten: Freaking Out

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Ritsu's POV

I haven't gotten much sleep in the past few nights. I just had way too much on my mind to sleep.

Tsuki really could be Tamaki's long lost sister.

It all makes so much sense now that I think about it... They have the exact same eyes, Tamaki fits Tsuki's description perfectly, Tsuki has the same hair color as Tamaki's father... It's insane.

I've been up late every night doing research, trying to find out as much as I could about what happened to her. So far, no such luck. All the webpages that might have had some information had been blocked from public eyes completely. I needed to get in contact with the chairman as soon as I could, I needed to tell someone about this. Someone related to all of this...


"Oh god, how am I going to tell her about this?! And what about Tamaki?!?! How can I possibly tell him Tsuki, my sister, is actually his sister that had been missing for 15 years?! Hell, does he even remember her?! What will I do if he's always thought he was a single child?! He's such an idiot, it will take him forever to understand!!" I punched a tree close by to me, and instantly regretted it. I held my hand as it bled onto the courtyard grass.

I had left Tsuki with the Host Club. I figured she should get to know her real brother a little bit more... I clenched my fist.

I was the only one who knew about Tsuki's true self. Or at least, I know more then anyone else... God the pressure of knowing... It feels like I'm being crushed by it... I took a look at my bloody hand. The fist that I was clutching had been squeezing it. Or maybe that feeling is just me...

I rushed back into the school, and went to the nurse. She was this middle aged lady with a bit of an American accent. She had my hand bandaged up pretty quickly. "So, how'd you do it this time?"

"Punched a tree..." I mumbled. I flexed my hand, it didn't really hurt much anymore.

"Well, why'd you go and do that? If you go off and do stuff like that, the other kids will always be afraid of ya." She said. This nurse understood me, I found myself often coming here.

"Hey, Ms. Kita..."

"What is it, hun?"

"Thanks. For, you know... taking care of me..." She smiled.

"Wouldn't have it any other way. Now go along, I got work to finish."

I left after that, and decided I would go to the chairman's office. I did need to talk to him, and even if I couldn't right then, I could always schedule an appointment. I walked past the empty receptionist desk (the secretary probably already left), and to the large oak office doors. I stopped myself before knocking.

What do I say to him... "Oh hey, sir, you know that daughter that you probably thought was dead? Went missing maybe 15 years ago? Yeah she's alive, but she's blind. And she doesn't remember you. Oh! And everyone thinks she's my sister, so yeah. Have a nice day!"

I pressed a fist to my lip. How do I even bring it up? I can't just say "You're daughter's here at Ouran, that'd be too much of a shock. He probably wouldn't believe me anyways. And he obviously hid away the fact he had a daughter with all the fire walls he put up. Maybe he wouldn't even want to be reminded of her...

"Oh, hello Mr. Kasanoda. What brings you outside my office?" The chairman said, after opening the door.

I was snapped out of my thoughts. "O-Oh! M-Mr. Suoh- I mean Chairman..."

"I was on my way out. Is there something you'd like to discuss?"

"N-No! I-I can talk you a-another day... P-please leave. I-I mean I'm not saying I-I want you t-to leave, just-"

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