Chapter Five: Tsuki Kasanoda

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Tsuki's POV

The next day passed rather quickly, even though I wasn't able to hang out with Ri-Ri until he got home. I mostly prepared myself for attending school tomorrow. Did I say school? I mean Ouran Super-Rich-Snobby-Shallow-Spoiled-Brat-Filled Academy. I think that's the name anyway. Although I wasn't exactly happy about attending a school with a bunch of stuck-up rich kids, I was excited about the school itself. It was a prestigious place after all, they had a very wide variety of forms of education. And I got to go there and be with Ri-Ri all day!

His father had been very nice to me, in his own sort of way. He got me some new clothes to wear as a school outfit: a new green shirt, some black slacks, military boots, some bandages(for a previous *ehhem* issue), and a cool necklace that had Kasanoda Syndicate engraved on the front of a bright blue pendant. He even got my sensei's jacket washed! (which is a VERY good thing. I don't even remember the last time it was washed...) I think it was his way of accepting me as a part of the household, which made me very happy.

Before I knew it, I had dropped dead asleep on the soft bed in my room.

"Sissy! Get up! You're so lazy!"

I sleepily rubbed my eyes and looked at my big brother. "I'm not lazy... I'm just tired..." He looked down at me with his big violet blue eyes, some of his blonde bangs covering his young face.

"Well, still! Get up Tsuki!"

"Okay Teriyaki... I'll get up..."

He gave me a frown and bent down to be at eye level with me.

"Hey! That's not my name, dummy!"

I pouted. "That's not nice!! Mommy will get mad if you say stuff like that Teriyaki! You should be more like the Princes' in our bed time stories, and less mean!"

"I don't wanna be a Prince if it means you're gonna call me that stupid nickname!"

My eyes grew big and watery. "Its not stupid..."

"You must be a real dummy if you don't even know my real name!"

"Teriyaki is your real name to me!" I cried, tears streaming down my face.

"Humph. It isn't!..I've,"

My eyes slid opened as the dream came to a close. I sighed.

"How many more times will I have that dream before it actual finishes... I'm so close to learning his name, if only it lasted a few more seconds..."

I yawned and sat up from the comfortable bed. I stretched my arms and stood up. I could feel the chill of the morning air brush past me as I mumbled some nonsense and felt my way across the walls to the dresser at the other side of the room.

I hated waking up in the mornings. The fogginess of restless sleep clouded my eyes even further, making it completely impossible to see anything. A creamy white covered my entire vision. And since I was drowsy, all of my other senses were off too. I was utterly lost and vulnerable. It was great. *Sarcasm indicated*

I somehow managed to get on all of the new clothes set out for me to wear and trudged my way to Ri-Ri's room to wake him up. Turns out I didn't need to.

"Hey, watch where you're..." He started but then noticed it was me who bumped into him in the hall. "Ki-Ki? You alright? You seem kind of-"

"Out of it?" I leaned forward and groaned against his shoulder."Mornings suck for me."

"I can see that... Um, why exactly?"

"Meh... Drowsiness or... strong emotions... cloud up senses... and... makes me only see think straight... Can't do much of anything..."

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