Chapter Eighteen: Giggle

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Kaoru's POV

So he finally figured it out. I will admit, I never thought he would figure it out so soon. He was always so oblivious and childish... I guess Haruhi's rejection changed him more then I thought, he's definitely more aware of the little things he used to overlook. I've seen the glances he swings her way when he thinks no one is looking, and the look on his face that follows. I know how scared he is too, to love again. Just like a child he backs away from things that could hurt him, especially if they've caused him pain before.

He's in love with Tsuki. That much was clear. Yet again I was torn between my brother and a girl. That was clear too. If I'm not careful, I could really hurt Hikaru and myself. That was the clearest of all.

I pulled away from Hikaru and wiped my tear-stained cheeks. He sniffed and looked at my with a sad smile.

"So... we both love Tsuki, huh?" He asked in a strained voice.

"Yeah... so what do we do now?" I asked, sliding down to the floor.

He shrugged. "We do what we can... We try to learn what we can about her and get closer to her... There's not many other options to take..."

I rested my head on my knees. "It won't be easy..."

"Mori likes her too..." He said.

"And Kyoya." I added. He laughed.

"Are you kidding? He hates her guts! He's constantly annoyed by her, he's always infuriated at how he knows nothing about her and then he gets obsessed with digging into her personal life! How is that liking her at all?"

I laughed. "I suppose that's true... But think about it: Have you ever seen Kyoya loose his cool so often? She makes him show his real self. Not just anyone can do that."

He huffed. "Well, I hope he doesn't realize it. We've got enough competition as is. And she's obviously close to Haruhi too."

"I'm sure that Hunny will be the number one Mori x Tsuki shipper..."

"What about Tamaki? Do you think he might like her too?"

I shuddered. "I don't think so... For some reason that just seems really wrong."

He sighed. "Well I guess right now our main rival is Mori... One we get past him..."

I caught on to his thoughts. "That's when the real challenge starts..."

"To see if she'll choose you or me."


Tsuki's POV

At last, the bell signaling the end of classes rang throughout the large pink halls. I hopped from my seat and turned around to Haruhi. "I need to go get a book from the library, I'll see you at club!" She laughed.

"Alright. Just be sure to come back soon, I might loose my sanity surrounded by all those idiots." I laughed.

"Hey!" Hikaru yelled.

"We're not idiots!" Kaoru followed.

I laughed. "Sure you're not." I winked at them and waved. "See ya!"

I jogged down the halls and to one of the four libraries. "Let's see... English Literature..." I walked down the rows and rows of novels and textbooks as the noise of chatting students echoed throughout the large room. "Ugh... I thought libraries were supposed to be quiet..." I glided my fingers across the smooth wooden tops of the shelves to guide me to the audio books. I heard a pair of footsteps follow behind me and I quickened my pace. Who's following me?

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