Chapter Twenty Six: Wednesday~I'll Tell You Later

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Take a look at the picture above, I'm considering making it the new cover for this story. Tell me what you think :) thanks for reading!


Mori's POV

I have been preparing for this.

I have read seven books on acrobatics, two of which were specifically about female acrobats. I have studied music and music theory, though I was hoping I'd have time to learn an instrument of some sort. I have been honing my skills in martial arts everyday with Mitsukuni. I have been researching what it is like to be blind from twenty three different sources. I even studied circuses, of all things. I was prepared for any conversation we could have.

The entire ride to the hospital, I fantasized about seeing her for the first time in two months....

~In the Theatre of Mori's Mind~(It's back folks!)

I walked through the door to see Tsuki's face illuminated in the morning sunlight streaming through the window that captivated her attention. I slowly placed an arm around her unsuspecting waist, startling her as she faced me.

"K-Kashi? What are you..."

I playfully twirled her hair around my finger, smirking as her face flushed. I trailed my hand across her soft face as I spoke. "You may have been asleep for two months..."

I gently lifted her face, so we were mere centimeters apart. "But I was dreaming about you the entire time..."

I leaned down, my eyes slowly shutting as my lips pressed against her-"

"Mr. Morinozuka," My chauffeur called from the drivers seat. "We're here."

I shook my head free of the thought and nodded. "Thanks."

The chauffeur chuckled a bit as he got out and opened my door for me. "You should keep the whole 'dreaming about you' line, it's pretty smooth. Miss Tsuki must be a lucky girl, sir."

I felt my face get hotter at the realization that I had said those thoughts out loud. I quickly nodded before rushing inside.

I approached the main office desk, an older woman was typing rather slowly on a computer as I walked up. I needed to be put in as a visitor and kept track of my entrance and departure. "Excuse me."

She glanced up at me and grinned. "Oh hello there young man! Are you a visitor?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Tsuki Kasanoda."

The woman sighed. "Oh that poor girl... Fell four stories you know. Such a tragedy..."

"Yeah I know. Can I-"

"She was even in a coma for two months! She just woke up this week, in fact."

"I know. Can you please-" I was getting impatient. I wanted to see her.

"Oh but she's still quite the looker, even after the fall. She's such a pretty girl..."

I smiled a bit, a small blush forming on my cheeks at the thought of Tsuki. "Yeah... She really is."

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