Chapter Twenty Seven: Thursday~ Operation

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Tamaki's POV

I finally came to school...

Today was the first day since the incident. I couldn't be around that place without thinking of... Her...

My father had provided me with the tutors and work needed to keep up with the school but... Being back here... It seems so different now. A dull sort of fog covered everything in my eyes. It's strange... I knew her mainly as a friend. I never actually got to talk to her as, well... A brother.

People crowded around me, saying things like "Tamaki, How are you?""Are you feeling better?""Will you be in the host club today?"

Honestly I didn't know. I'm not sure if I could handle being back in the music room. Seeing the place where she fell... But I put on a facade and trudged my way through.

I was surprised when I didn't see Kyoya in class, but I guess in a way that was a blessing. It's been hard for me to just talk to him, I don't know how I'd react if I were to see him face to face. Though it is strange, considering how seriously he takes school.

Class was boring. I had went over everything already with my tutors so I just let myself out. Being faced with nothing but a ticking clock until school gets out and dull lessons, I decided to walk around outside. It was fairly gloomy, cold harsh rain dripping down, but I didn't care at all, it's not like I could feel much anyways. I decided to go to my favorite spot, the rose maze. I would've wanted Haruhi to be there with me, but I couldn't impose that on her. She cares about her classes a lot, I couldn't take that from her.

I walked around until I reached the all to familiar gazebo, vines tracing up the stone columns and twisting their way to the ceiling, the blossoms speckled with rain drops. As I approached I saw a dark figure leaning carelessly on the bench. Who is that... what's he doing here?

I cautiously approached, the shadows hiding his identity. "Sir?"

He shifted, letting his strong face and dark hair into the light. My eyes widened as I looked at the figure, recognition sinking in.


He shifted and groaned. A small trickle of blood leaked out from the corner of his mouth as he sat up, rubbing the back of his head. His arms were covered in scrapes and bruises. "Tamaki?"

"My goodness... Mori-Senpai, what happened to you?!" I quickly went to his side and looked him over, checking for any serious injuries.

He caught me off guard as he clutched tightly around me, squeezing my ribs, as if he were trying to destroy my very being. I could feel my lungs press harshly against the pressure, my breath quickening as he sucked the life out of me.

No wait, he was hugging me.

"Mori-Senpai, is everything okay?" I managed to gasp out. He let go, water streaming down his face. Whether they were rain drops or tears I couldn't tell.


My heart dropped. "What about her..."

He took a deep breath and let go, sitting back down, holding his head in shame, rain dripping down his soaked hair and clothes. "Kyoya's brother, Akito. He took her. I... I couldn't stop him..."

"They just busted into her room in the middle of the night... One of them hit me upside the head with a baton... They looked like on of the Black Onion squad guys... The last thing I saw before I passed out was them knocking out Tsuki and carrying her out of the room..." He clutched his fist, his anger causing him to shake. "When I came to, I rushed here but... I was so exhausted... I passed out again..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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