Chapter Fourteen: Dinner With the Suoh's

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Third Person's POV

"Tsuki, you almost ready? The limo is gonna pull up any second now!"

"Hold on Ri-Ri! I can't see what I'm doing, you know! Not exactly the easiest thing to put on a complicated dress!"

"But yet you can calculate how tall someone is, their face structure, and how much they weigh in a millisecond?"

Tsuki flung the door open and crossed her arms. "Happy now? I'm done. Is the car there yet? No, I'd be able to hear it. No need to make such a big fuss."

Ritsu was about to say something back, when he noticed his sister.

"Tsuki..." He started. She tilted her head worried. "Ri-Ri? Is something wrong?"

He suddenly threw his arms around her. "You look great, sis. If anyone lays a finger on you, I'll stab their kidney..."

She laughed and hugged back. "Thanks, that's comforting to know." She looked off. "Seems like the car is here. I'll see you later, okay Ri-Ri?"

 She gave him another hug. "See you!" With that she ran off to the limo, Ritsu giving glares to any of his fellas that happened to look at her while she ran by.


Yuzuru's POV

I was so excited! My little girl was coming over for dinner tonight! The last time we ate dinner together was on her birthday, before she was kidnapped... I eagerly waited by the door, knowing she would show up any minute.

Our chauffeur opened the door. "Sir, Miss Tsuki Kasanoda has arrived." He back away as my beautiful daughter stepped out and through the door.

"Thank you for inviting me here, Yuzuru!" She smiled, and I nearly fainted. She looks so cute! All dressed in green like that...

"Oh, allow us to take your sweater Miss." One of our maids kindly asked.

"Oh no! You don't have to worry about me, I can take care of it." The maid nodded and walked away. She turned to me.

"You have a beautiful home, Yuzuru. It's nothing at all like the syndicate."

"Thank you, Tsuki. Please, come right this way." I'll be sure to have someone by her side at all times. Wouldn't want her to get lost. She is blind after all. A few of our servants gave her an odd look.

"Syndicate? She lives at a syndicate?"

"Does that means she's a gang member?"

Tsuki didn't notice them, or ignored them, and gracefully walked next to me. "Oh, and thank you for the dress too, it's wonderful."

"Not at all, I'm glad it's to your tastes." I stopped a maid. "Could you get Tamaki, please? I'd like him to know our guest has arrived." She curtly nodded and quickly walked off to retrieve him.

I led her to the dining table and to the seat designated for her, to the left of my seat at the head of the table. Tamaki would sit at the right. Having dinner with my children again! This will be great!

"Here you are. You may sit here if you like, or if you'd prefer, you could tour the house. Please, make yourself at home." She smiled up at me.

"Thank you again, Yuzuru." She unbuttoned her jacket and set it on the back of the chair. She suddenly stopped, and turned back to me, frantic. "Pl-Please excuse me... I, uh. I'm not very well educated in etiquette... I don't mean to be rude... Am I being rude? I'm sorry!" Her eyes were large and filled with worry as she brushed her bangs to the side and bit her lip. SHE'S SO CUTE!!!!!

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