Chapter Sixteen: The Theatre of Mori's Mind

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Tsuki's POV

I felt a pressure across my legs when I awoke the next morning. I looked down to see Ritsu sleeping, peacefully snoring away. I smiled.

He stayed with me all night. He must've gotten tired and just fell asleep.

I remembered the dream I had last night. "I don't want to leave you, Ri-Ri... But I need to ." I stretched and waited for the drowsiness to fade. I shouldn't leave now... That'd be too abrupt, and Ri-Ri would expect it. I got up, careful not to wake up him, and slid out of my room with some new clothes to change in the bathroom.

I wandered into the kitchen and grabbed an apple for my breakfast. I decided to go for a walk, so I grabbed my phone and headed out.

"I could buy a plane ticket for France, I still have a lot of savings... I'll look for one that departs this Friday. I'll need to do it in secret, I know Ri-Ri will try to stop me from going..." I bit my lip. "I feel guilty for planning all this behind his back, but... I need to find my Mom. I... I need-" I stopped myself from continuing. Don't think about them Tsuki, you'll only get another panic attack.

My pocket began to sing some Mozart and I got out my phone. Mitsu...? Why is he calling me?"

"Hey, Mitsu. What's up?"

"Hi Tsu-chan! I was wondering if you wanted to come over for some cake! They're really good!"

I laughed. "Sure, Mitsu! I'm on a walk right now, do you live very far?"

"Me and Takashi will find you! See you in a bit!"

"Mitsu, wait I-" The call ended. I sighed. "I guess they're going to find me then..."

I walked a little bit further to a brick fence that lined one side of the pavement. I leaned against it and waited.

And waited.

And waited. I sighed. It's been about 25 minutes, looks like I'll be here a while. I heard some thundering in the distance and looked up.

It was a clear blue sky. "It's gonna rain? I don't even see a trace of any clouds, it's all just blue..."

The thundering continued. Though something didn't seem right... It was almost as if the thundering was coming from...

I looked down the sidewalk and my eyes widened. A huge cloud of dust trailed behind the sprinting figure. "What the..." The figure crashed into me.

Well, sort of.

I felt my self become weightless for a split second like someone had tossed me in the air. Turns out that's exactly what happened. I found myself being carried like a princess by the fast runner before I had time to react.

"Hia Tsu-chan! Told ya we'd find you!" Mitsu said as he clung to Kashi's neck. "Takashi is really fast, huh?"

"Y-Yeah, he is!" I laughed as I was swiftly taken away to the Haninozuka Household.

We soon arrived, and Kashi set me down. I laughed. "That was fun! Thanks for the ride!"

"No problem." He led me to the door.

"You're gonna really love it! Our cooks made a ton of different sweets, and all of 'em look really tasty!"

I smiled. "That sounds great Mitsu! You guys have a pretty awesome dojo too, don't you?"

Kashi nodded. "Yeah. You know about the Haninozuka?"

I pondered it a bit. "Well, yeah. I knew about the Haninozuka style and how they've been masters of martial arts for generations. Any fan of martial arts would know about the Haninozuka and Morinozuka families."

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