Chapter Two: RATQE

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Tsuki's POV

Holy friggin unagi, my side is killing me...

An intense throbbing and aching and stabbing and, well, painful, feeling was coming from my gut.
To say the least, it was unpleasant.

Why is it hurting so much? What happened?

I furrowed my eyebrows in thought.

The Ringmaster pulled me off to his quarters... He was beating me for getting my self hurt- Wow that's a bit ironic huh? Wait is that really irony? Whats the definition of 'irony' again...

I shook my head a bit.

Shut it Tsuki, I'm trying to think... Okay, I heard a footstep approach me, it was heavier then the Ringmaster's. I 'looked' up to where his, I'm assuming, eyes were and mouthed 'go'. He didn't move. The Ringmaster was being pervy again, the bastard, and I told him off. He left, the guy came to me. He had red hair and his voice was pretty low pitched. He tried to get me to escape. The Ringmaster came back. He attacked us. Threw a knife at the redhead. I took the hit for him, and went mostly unconscious. Okay, now that that's settled, where am I?

I opened my eyes to see white. Well, I saw the color at least. Couldn't make out anything else since my eyes are, y'know, crap. I heard a steady beeping noise next to me. A heart monitor maybe? I shifted slightly to feel what I was wearing. It wasn't my preforming outfit, a loose gown it seemed. I sniffed the air. Antiseptic... Okay, I'm in the hospital. Which one though? I'm probably in the same town, it would've been logical to take me to the nearest one...

The sound of the door creaking slightly broke my thoughts. I looked towards the door as someone walked in. Heavy footsteps... I saw a slight blur of red at what I assumed was his head. Again, my eyes are crap. Red hair...

"You're the guy from the circus right?" I looked up. I did my usual calculations when meeting a new person: figuring out the most likely place his eyes were, what mood he was in by seeing how heavy and how quickly paced his steps were, and whether they were even, what the pace of his breath was, everything I could figure out about him without my sight, because I can't rely on my eyes since they're - wait for it.............. crap.

"Uh, yeah..." He said sheepishly. He rubbed the back of his head, I heard his hair ruffle. I'm guessing he avoided my gaze.

"The guy who refused to listen to me and nearly got him and myself killed because of it?"

The blur of what was supposedly where his head was became slightly more red. He's blushing... He feels bad about it...

"Um... yeah. That's me." His voice sounded apologetic too.

I smiled brightly, I knew that caught him off guard, and laughed a little bit.

"Thank you so much for doing that." I said in all seriousness.

He was silent for a bit. I'm sure he was giving me a weird look. "Wait.... what?"

I laughed again. I liked this guy, he was funny.

"Who knows what would've happened to me if you actually listened to me, it seems appropriate to thank you, at least in my opinion..."

"But... you got stabbed. You're in the hospital, a-and-"

"-and I'm perfectly fine now, I wasn't molested by my Ringmaster, and you got me out of that horrible circus. I really am grateful, thank you. Besides, I've gotten worse then just a stab wound. I am an acrobat, after all. It's just a slight  mishap in my case." I smiled again.

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