Chapter 1 ~ Lesson Learned?

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My dad locked me in my room with no food and no water. I'm used to it though, he does it all the time. I don't really mind it anymore, but I wonder about my mother. Is he doing the same thing to her? Is she ok? Where is she? Where are my brothers? Oh yeah, I forgot, my dad killed them as a form of hatred towards both my mother and I. My dad just isn't a human, he's a monster. I wish my life would end. I don't want anyone to suffer. I want everything to be ok.

I slid off my bed and walked to my drawer. I kept my diary in here. I don't care if my mom sees it, but if my dad sees it, I'll be dead in record time. Just like my brothers. I can still remember how innocent their faces were when they died. My mom wasn't home that day, she was at a meeting. Bedtime was soon, right after dinner. My mom and dad were still talking and had a good relationship. Those were good days. I asked my dad not to make corn dogs, because they always turn out burnt, and that mom is better than him. It was meant to be a joke, but he never liked me, and decided to take matters into his own hands. I was eight, and I was always easily tricked. He laughed, and told me to get a towel from the upstairs bathroom. I went upstairs, and it took me a while to find the towel. When I found it and ran down the stairs, I regretted even leaving my brothers. He had tied them up and had gags on their mouth, and a knife pressed to the youngest one's throat. He said I owe him two hundred dollars. And each ten minutes, one of them dies. I raced around the house in a fury, but I had no idea where my mom hid her money. I had three brothers, meaning only thirty minutes. I couldn't find anything. The cops were called by our downstairs neighbors, since I was running so hard. They came thirty-two minutes later. I had lost everything that was most precious to me in thirty minutes that day. I learned not to challenge my so-called dad that day. And from then and on, I rarely talk to him, and the same goes for him. I sighed when I heard the door unlock. I gulped and went to a far corner. This can't be any good.
"Aria! Come here!" He shouted.
"What do you need?" I replied.
"I AM BEING POLITE!!" He looked at me with frustration, and then he gave me a smirk.
"Fine, be that way. I'm going to teach you a lesson," and with that he left and locked the door behind him. And I was alone again. A tear rolled down my cheek. I can't take this anymore. It's not fair, what he does to me. I shivered. Teach me a lesson? What kind of lesson? Knowing him, it's probably no more food for a week, and I don't get to sleep either. Oh well, easier said than done. If I go to sleep, I get a whip on my arm. Trust me, it hurts. Another tear slid down my cheek, and my eye grew puffy. Why can't my life be normal? Why can't anything be better anymore? I've been living in the United States for eight years. My dad planned on killing my brothers here. Since then, I've wished I could go back. Back to the time when I didn't have to worry about anything. I left my bed and walked to the window. I glanced at my alarm clock. 10:49 p.m. It's getting late; for all my friends elsewhere. I usually sleep at two in the morning. If ever. I looked up at the moon. I remembered how whenever I was upset, my mom used to take me outside to watch the moon. It shine so brightly then, and I always laughed. Now, the moon looked disappointed. It looked dull, and dead. I sighed, wondering when it will shine so vividly again. As the clock ticked, I heard a loud scream from outside. A woman's scream.

That's chapter one guys. So?
Aria and her father?
Any predictions about what might happen in the next chapter? Big hint in the last sentence!! :D
Upload may be tomorrow or on Saturday. Whenever I finished the chapter. CA time. PLEASE leave comments and be sure to tell me what you liked so far! Any ways I can improve? Thanks for your support!


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