Chapter 9 ~ Introducing Me, Baddass Chick

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Aria's POV
I smiled throughout most of the way. What was so special about him? What made me feel so, comfortable, with him? Ughh this is all too confusing.
"Just to let you know, my friends are a bit, I don't know, weird," he warned. I laughed.
"Oooh, does that mean I can kick some butt?" I ask eagerly. Wait, what the hell did I just say??
"Yes you do," he chuckled. "You know, Aria, I never thought of you as seriously hot kick ass chick." I was utterly surprised. Did he just call me a kick ass chick? A hot one too! Yes he did, Aria. Ok, just checking. Suddenly, I felt an unknown voice in my head, and froze in my tracks.
"That-that was-that was m-my w-wolf! She's there! I can hear her!" I exclaimed as I did a crazy victory dance. Julian looked surprised at first, then started laughing and congratulating me.
"I'm really excited!! Can this day get any better??" I ask him over joyed.
"Yes it can, as long as you're with me," he joked, and we both laughed as we walked in the cafeteria. Once I saw the inside, I froze. I was shocked. For starters, the place was huge. Second, it looked so fancy. When I first came, I thought this would be a restaurant. Turns out, it's a five star restaurant! Julian beckons for me to stand in line.
"Ladies first," he states. I giggle, and wait to order with him behind me.

We walked over to Julian and his friends' table and sat down with out trays. He introduced us to each other, and they seemed friendly. Elina Ross is a senior in the twelfth grade, and seems to like being the center of attention, and is gorgeous enough that she always is. With her long brown hair, emerald green eyes, and her innocent smile, any boy will fall for her. Celia Faye is in the ninth grade like me, and seems pretty innocent, although she knows a thing or two when it comes to guys. Her short brown hair is always worn down, and her preppy hazel eyes make her smile shimmer. Nathan Ryland was tall, lithe, and effortlessly handsome. He had light brown hair, that was almost as tall as Celia's, covering one of his dark hazel eyes. And lastly, Phoenix Cason, the hottest guy I've seen after Julian, and was mysterious and exotic, the kind of person who made everyone want to know him. Chocolate brown eyes and hair matches him perfectly, and his plastered smile could win a girl a mile away. They were a great group of friends, and I liked them, a lot.
"I know you," Elina said when she first saw me.
"You do?" I asked surprised.
"Of course! You're the badass chick who gave Desiree and that bitch of her's a living hell!" She smiled, and the group nodded approvingly.
"This is Aria, guys. She's super nice, intelligent, and won't give up her game. For anyone." Julian introduced. What a way to be subtle.
"Remind me not to get on your bad side," Nathan commented. I giggled, and the group burst into flames of laughter. They seemed fun.
"So, why'd you decide to come to Blue Moon High, Aria?" Phoenix questioned. I tensed up, and shrugged. I didn't plan on telling anyone about my "accidents" yet. I wiggled around in my seat, and they exchanged glances.
"Okay, what pack do you belong to?" Celia inquired. Changing the subject, nicely done.
"Umm, the Silver Mist Pack," I replied, picking at my food.
"Wow! You're with us, then! Julian's the Alpha, too," Elina commented.
"You are? He is?" I was shocked. Now why I know why he "growled" when Desiree insulted me. Alphas tend to be protective of a lot of people, even if they aren't in their pack. Julian laughed, and so did the group.
"I can't wait to see you during pack meetings! We will have so much fun together!" Elina exclaimed. At that moment, a question popped in my head.
"Is Desiree in our pack?" I blurted out, not even thinking twice.
"No, and you're going to be glad she isn't, especially when we have training," Nathan clarified.
"And why is that?" I asked suspiciously.
"Because you get to kick some badass!" They all shouted in unison. We all cracked up. I just met them, and they knew so much about me already.

A moment later, Phoenix looked at the door with a guilty look on his face.
"What's wrong Phoenix?" I asked worriedly.
"Don't look now, but there goes your punching bag and her sidekick," he replied. I tensed up, and surely enough, turned around to see Desiree and the chipmunk, snickering with a group of people I didn't know, but had in Art.
Not only were they snickering, but they were snickering at me. I whirled around, avoiding their stares. My friends looked at me, worried.
"Don't worry guys, no one makes fun of me and I let them go," I say, my eyes turning a distant black. I felt my wolf trying to burst out for the first time, but I blocked her.
Not now, I say to my wolf.
Ughh fine, she scoffs.
"Aria, if anything happens-"
"I know guys. Thanks," I say with a fake smile. Nathan stood up, and leaned close.
"Go kick some ass," he says. I grin sheepishly as I nod.

I walk over to Desiree and her partners in crime, and tilt my head.
"Oh look, it's the pathetic one," Desiree says, rolling her eyes.
"Oh look, it's the son of a bitch," I snap back. She stares at me with her eyes wide for a moment, then grins.
"Oh no, I'm so scared!" She waves her hands frantically which makes her friends laugh.
"Listen Desiree, I don't know what I ever did to you, but you're not going to remember once I give you a good punching. I'll make you look so deformed, skunks will run away from you," I say through gritted teeth. She steps back, and I feel a boost of confidence.
"Come on, girls, let's find some new gossip. I'm getting bored of this one," she looks at her friends nervously, as they snicker the faintest bit. Desiree scowls, and they immediately walk away. She rolls her eyes, and left. Suddenly, a loud applause fills the cafeteria, I was so busy concentrating I hadn't noticed everyone was watching. I smile and wave, as I walk over to my friends. This is really going to be fun.
Hi everyone! Sorry I hadn't been writing for a while... School 😒😒
Anyway, I'm really happy! This book has reached 68 reads and 22 votes!! You guys are the best!!! One comment though, could use some improvement...

HUGE thanks to lucy_heartfilliaa  for being the first to vote! Love you!!
Suggestions on ideas? Writer's block is way up in my head now people....

Update may be around tomorrow or the day after. If not, then 2 days later.

Sorry the book seems so boring right now, I just started with the ideas for everything.
This has been one chapter I was so impatiently waiting to write!! Can't wait for the next one!

So Julian called Aria a "badass chick!" Can you believe it?
I can...

Thank you for everyone who's been reading my book guys. You guys are the best. The second comment gets a shoutout! Please? (Puppy dog face)

Image shown is Elina Ross (~_~)

Happy reading!

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