Chapter 22 ~ Date Night (2/2)

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We followed the smoothed path outlined by many lights, all different colors and patterns.
"Welcome to the Trail of Lights," a guide greeted, handing us each a brochure explaining the history and simple facts about the tourist attraction. "It's the best place to visit in Texas!"

I felt Julian's chest rumble from growling, and I noticed the guide was checking me out.

Possessive much, Julian?

"Take your-" Julian started, but I stopped him by leaning my head in on his chest, and he purred in delight. The guide seemed disappointed, and Julian smirked the slightest.
"Where were we now?" Julian continued, planting a kiss on my forehead.

The guide mumbled incoherent words under his breath, and turned to leave. I giggled, and Julian smiled.
"Someone's jealous," I sang. He growled playfully.
"He had his eyes all over you!" He defended, making me giggle some more.

We walked on, talking on our way. We reached a silver, glowing orb, indicating the end of our tour.
"It's beautiful," I told him, grinning from ear to ear. The Trail Of Lights was indeed a fascinating tourist attraction. At first, I couldn't believe the amount of stupid humans who would pay this much money to see light. You see them all the time in your house!
I take that back now.
"Not as beautiful as you," he mused. I blushed as we kept walking, and Julian stopped at a jewelry store. He didn't let me come in with him, however.
"Stay outside, okay?" He instructed. I nodded, confused.

He came back outside a few minutes later with something that he quickly tucked in his pocket, not letting me see it.

"Later," he reassured me. I agreed with a sigh.
"So where are we going?" I asked.
"I'm taking you out to dinner, where else?" He said in a 'duh' tone. I completely forgot that it was already night time.

We walked to a restaurant, and Julian opened the door for me. Stepping inside, I found myself gasping at the beautifully chosen theme of lighting and decoration.

Each table had its own silverware and glass, clean and laid out, a silver tablecloth covering the tables' surfaces. Candles outlined the middle of the table, creating a romantic environment. Tables for two had dome back, red velvet banquet chairs, whereas tables for a family had gold Chiavari banquet chairs. Diamond chandeliers were hung from the ceiling, and the lighting wasn't too dark nor too light, creating a perfect atmosphere for dining.

I turned around to face Julian, and he smiled.
"I hope you like it," he said, leaning in closely and planting soft kisses on my jawline.
"I love it, Julian," I replied, as a preppy waitress wearing the complete opposite of work attire came in our direction.
"Hello! Welcome to Délicieux restaurant, Alpha," she bowed her head slightly, and smiled softly in my direction.
"Table for two?" She asked, already leading us to one of the booths without our answer. She dragged a chair and motioned for Julian to sit down, and gave us each menus. I grumbled as I pulled over my own chair by myself and sat down.

Horrible service.

"What would you like to order?" She asked Julian. His electric blue eyes scanned the menu before announcing his order. She twirled her hair between her fingers and let out a fist giggle.

She was flirting with him.
She was flirting with my mate.

You just dug your own grave, lady.

I reached over and took Julian's hands in mine, giving him a quick peck on the lips. Julian raised an eyebrow, and I shook my head at him.
Please don't question it, I pleaded in my head, before turning to her with a soft smile.

"I'll have a White Cheese Chicken Lasagna," I said, smiling. She glared at me before writing down my order.
"Anything to drink," she said through gritted teeth.
"Umm, I'll have a coffee cappuccino, heavy on the whipped cream." She nodded and wrote down my order before glaring at me again, sending daggers through her eyes.

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