Chapter 7 ~ The Hot Boy Is An Artwork

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I walked alongside Desiree down the hall, as I listened and answered to all of her cheery questions.
"So, how old are you?" She began.
"Thirteen," I replied
"When's your birthday?" When was my birthday? Ughhh. I'll just make one up for now.
Before I could answer, Desiree interrupted me and answered the question perfectly.
"You don't remember, do you? It's okay, you'll remember again once you meet your pack," she promised. I turned my gaze down to my feet an nodded. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
"I'm guessing you hadn't shifted either," she said. My eyes lit up in surprise. How did these people know??
I nodded again. I decided to ask my own questions now.
"Well, how old are you?"
"I'm fourteen, and my birthday was yesterday!" She squealed.
"Happy late birthday, then. Have you shifted?"
"Thank you! And yes, I have shifted. I can't wait to find my mate! It'll be so exciting!"
"No kidding," I muttered under my breath.
The conversation carried out in that manner for the rest of the way. We talked about mates, hobbies, wolves, packs, and other things. Most of them which I didn't know what they were yet. Oh well, I'll learn at some point.
We stopped once we reached another white door embroidered with gold streamers, just like the ones I saw on the way to Mrs. Nevenue's office. This school must really like gold and white.
"Well, this is Ms. Lucy's classroom. You'll love her a lot! And she will love you, too!" Wow, she seemed way more excited about it then I was. I grinned, and nodded once more.

We stepped inside, and I felt like I was drowning in an ocean with desks, chairs, drawers, and other objects that belong in a classroom. Her whole room was painted a beautiful shade of ocean blue. The floor and the ceiling were the same shade as well. The color reminded me of the sign plastered with paint spelling "Blue Moon High," hints it's name.
"Welcome to my classroom. Are you Aria Lynn?" I heard a soft voice say. I whirled around to find an alluring young woman, who wouldn't be more than twenty-five years old. With her shimmering light blue eyes and perfectly straight, long, blond hair, I was utterly surprised that this beauty hasn't found her mate yet. Or was she rejected? She smiled sadly, approving my dark thoughts about her mate. I gave her an encouraging grin, and began a conversation.
"Hi, Ms. Lucy. My name is Aria Lynn, as you might know. I just transferred here from-" I trailed off. I didn't know what to say, and I hate lying! Why does this have to be so hard?
"From another school!" I finished. That's not a really strong lie. It's not like I haven't been to school before.
"Well, I hope you enjoy our school, Aria. Please take a seat to your liking, and I'll come explain the project we've been working on for the last two weeks," she said. I responded with a slight nod, and scanned the classroom. There were four empty seats, two in the back and two in the front. I hated sitting in the front, mostly because I hate school, and I detest working. I finally maneuvered to the back, making my decision of sitting down next to a young boy, who seemed to be older than me by a year or so. He looked absolutely handsome, with his dark smooth hair, his light skin, his electric blue eyes, and his soft smile. Oh how I envied who turned out to be his mate. I wouldn't put it past me for her to turn out as beautiful as he is. My thoughts instantly disappeared when he glanced at me, and greeted me with his attractive smile.
"Hey, beautiful. You must be Aria Lynn, the new student," he acknowledged. What the hell? No one has ever called me beautiful!
I blushed slightly, and nodded.
"Well, I hope you like this school and everyone in it. My name is Julian, Julian Prescott. So how old are you?" He greeted politely.
"Nice to meet you, Julian. I'm thirteen. And you are?"
"I'm fifteen. Have you shifted yet?" I shook my head in embarrassment.
"Don't worry about it, lots of people haven't shifted yet. Plus, the more time you take to shift, the stronger and more beautiful your wolf will be," he assured me. I nodded.
"Your wolf seems strong," he complimented.
"Maybe, but not as strong as I am myself," I joked. He chuckled softly, and my face lit up. He's so, I don't know, amazing?
"What do you have next period?" He asked, breaking me out of my daydream. I looked at my desk thoughtfully, then turned back to him.
"Give me a moment," I said. He nodded, and I opened my folder, pulling out my schedule. I quickly scanned the paper, and finally found what I was looking for.
"I have math, with Mrs. Jonilyn," I responded.
"I have her next period, too! Her desks are arranged in groups of two. No one sits in my group. Would you like to sit next to me?" I suddenly became excited, and eagerly nodded. He laughed.
"Okay then! I'll walk you there, okay?" I smiled at his offer, and nodded once more.

A moment later, Ms. Lucy finally freed up and came to help me catch up.
"Aria, are you ready to start?"
"Of course," I said, as Julian gave me an encouraging smile, along with a playful wink.

Man, that guy has something special about him.
Hi everyone!
How do you like the story so far? I hope you are all enjoying my book, even though it's horrible, Im still hoping you like it.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment and tell me what you think. I'm taking both ideas and suggestions, plus images for each chapter.
Update will be as soon as tomorrow, or as late as November 9, again depends on how my weekend is working out.

So Julian?
Ms. Lucy and her mate?

I never expected this, but the book already has 9 reads and 2 votes!! Thank you to anyone who's been reading my book and voting. You guys are the best!
Happy reading!

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