Chapter 24 ~ Betrayal and Trust

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The curtains flapped loudly against the window, the noise echoing throughout the room. Deep in thought, I trudged silently over to the bed, sitting down to regain my sense of balance.

My mind was spinning, making me extremely dizzy. Two mates. Two Alphas. One decision.

My decision will change everything. My decision will change love. Love will twist fate.

Unknown's POV
I smirked silently in my mind, watching the moon rise into the starry night sky.

Who does she think she is?
She has more to give me, unlike her.

Disgusted, I turned away and rummaged through my papers.

Give her one more day to be happy. Just one, and then I'll show her what a ride to hell and back is.

Aria's POV
One decision.
Only one.

I replayed the words in my mind over and over again. Liam was right. I couldn't trust anyone; if anyone knew I had dark magic or whatever nonsense they seemed to figure out about me, I would be dead.

Sebastian's words floated into my head, the memory gaining sharpness and intensity.

"Is there anything you wanted me for?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.
"Actually there is. Aria, I'm not here to hurt you. I just want to warn you," he said.
"Warn me about what?" I said, building up a bit more confidence than before.
"Your mom has been taking drugs, and she isn't safe to be around you. She left at her own will, but she joined an enemy pack, and she might be back. Be careful, Aria. Not everyone you trust is going to be good to you. My mom always used to tell me a special quote. She said, 'Never trust anyone in this world, because even your shadow leaves you in the darkness.' She was really nice."

End of Flashback

My shadow always leaves me in the darkness. There is no light, how will the shadow appear? Dumbfounded, I laid down.

His mom was killed by the SilverMist pack, my pack. So Julian and Sebastian were enemies. Maybe they still are.

As if a light bulb flashed inside my head, I shot up instantly from my position.

If they are enemies, and they're both my mates, then one of them must know a secret about me. One of them knows about my abilities. One of them knows something that I lack knowledge of.

It can't be Julian, though. He knows I'm a white wolf, but he's been living me for quite a while. If he truly knew something about me that he wanted to gain from, he would have used me for it long ago. Sebastian doesn't know that I'm a white wolf yet. I never told him.

Most people think I'm a myth.

Maybe Liam will know something about the two, since I have a slight feeling that Julian won't tell me anything.

Going through my normal process of getting my materials, I sat down and carelessly wrote my unanswered questions.

You didn't answer my last letter. It's okay though, I'm just teasing.

I have a few questions about my abilities.

What am I? I know I'm a white wolf, but what am I capable of?
Sebastian Dusk and Julian Prescott. Who are they? Do they have anything in common with each other? What happened between them?

Please reply soon, it's urgent.


I sent the letter and strolled casually to Julian's office, taking slow steps as I prepared myself with confidence.

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