Chapter 6 ~ Pack business

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, banging the top of it to shut it off. I rubbed my eyes and took a glimpse at the clock. 6:00 AM. I was used to waking up earlier than this. By a lot. It doesn't bother me too much.

I slid off my bed and picked out the dress I bought yesterday, and added some eyeliner along with a touch of red blush. I gazed into the mirror, and rolled my eyes. I looked so unattractive. My wavy moose-brown hair was slightly sloshing from side to side because of the open window, and my eyes looked as dull as ever. No glimmer, no shine. Just dullness. Ughhhh.

I got my backpack ready and made a quick breakfast and hurriedly finished it, leaving my mom's portion aside. I jotted down a quick note telling my mom that I would walk myself to school, and I would walk back. It was within a normal walking distance. I left it on the drawers next to my mom along with her breakfast tray and dashed out the door.

I had already looked up the school last night, and found its relative location. I still haven't shifted, and I was starting to become really nervous. My mom said I should start shifting soon and that I should be okay. I went along with her answer.

I walked for about another half hour until I reached the high school. It was HUGE. Literally. The main building was a spherical gold and red amazement. I can't believe that I'm actually going here! I ventured inside the gate and risked a glance at the other kids. It looked nothing like your typical high school. It just looked so fancy. I could probably bet a million dollars that this place has a restaurant and a café instead of a moldy cafeteria that had mashed potatoes stuck to the ceiling and God knows what else.

I walked into the office and was welcomed by one of the staff members dressed in an elegant black gown with glitter sequins outlining the sides. She had her brown hair curled and pulled in a stylish bun, and had her makeup done with silver eyeliner and a dash of lipstick. Well, she looked pretty.
"Hi!" She exclaimed. "Welcome to Blue Moon High. I'm assuming you're a werewolf? A gorgeous one too. No doubt you'll shift into a grey or white wolf when the time is right," she replied. She seemed friendly, too. Way to friendly. But that wasn't the only thought that crossed my thoughts.
"How did you know I haven't shifted yet?" I blurted accidentally. I can't help it. She smiled and giggled softly.
"Let's just say us werewolves can tell and point out even the smallest details," she explained. That explains a lot. Not all of it but a lot. That's good enough for now.
"So how about you come to my office and I tell you about your schedule?"
"Sounds perfect to me!" I replied back, grinning. She nodded and walked down a long corridor with me following her. She stopped at a white door embroidered with gold lining, just like the other ones we saw on our way down the hall. She unlocked it and went in, gesturing for me to follow her. I did as she asked, and sat in one of the chairs in front of her desk. She had framed pictures of whom I guessed were her kids because they resembled her greatly, a few ornaments, and lots and lots of paper. She seemed busy. Was she a principal maybe?
"Once again, welcome to our school. My name is Haley Nevenue, or just Mrs. Nevenue. I'm the principal of Blue Moon High. I hope you had a nice trip coming here. So are you interested in the business or art path?" We continued the conversation of the classes and boring whatnot. Near the end of our talk, she mentioned something about pack training and meetings. I wanted to ask her so freaking badly what that was. But I don't know if I can risk it or not. I'll probably embarrass myself during the first day of school. Talk about reputations. I decided to risk my chance and ask her anyway, and ironically, she seemed very nice about it.
"Well, you know what your pack name is right?" Shit, shit, shit! My mom didn't tell me that! I shook my head, feeling a slight blush of heat warm up my cheeks. Man, I am so embarrassed.
"That's not a problem, Aria. I'll look it up in your past portfolio," she said, already typing furiously on her computer. While she was so busy, I decided to take the time and look around the room for a bit. The walls were brightly colored green, and the ceiling was a darker shade of emeralds. In front of her lay her metal desk she utilized, with bright green streamers hung all around. Wow, she must really like green.
I fiddled with my fingers for a few minutes until she cleared her throat. I turned my gaze back to her.
"Okay, Aria. Your information was concealed, and it was very hard to find," she started. I wonder why. "But, the good news is, I found out what pack you belong to!" She gushed. She was more excited than I was.
"Apparently, you are part of the Silver Mist Pack. Was your father the Alpha?" Alpha? I heard that somewhere. Oh yeah! I remember long ago that my dad was the Alpha! The leader of the pack, that is. He must have been a horrible leader in that case.
"Yes," I answered in disgust. She must have noticed my feeling about it, and she let it hang.
"In that case, anyone here who's from the Silver Mist Pack joins together in a private room to talk about, well, the pack! And I assure you, a lot of kids here are in that pack. You'll have no problem fitting in," she finished. I nodded my understanding.
"Okay! So let me show you your first class. First period is," she paused, scanning my schedule. "Art, with Ms. Lucy. A classmate of yours has volunteered to show you around. She has every class with you, so it shouldn't be too hard." I nodded, and as if on cue, I heard a faint knock on the office door.
"Come in," Mrs. Nevenue said. A girl around my height stepped inside, with a vibrant smile on her face. She had very curly brown hair, and her eyes were a dull hazel. With very pale skin, she seemed very skinny as well. Her short dress fit her perfectly, as she twirled towards us.
"Hi, Mrs. Nevenue!" She exclaimed, peppily. Mrs. Nevenue looked at the brunette, then at me.
"Aria Lynn, this is your classmate, Desiree Houston. Desiree, this is Aria Lynn."
"Hi Aria! I'm Desiree! Come on, let me show you around! You'll love the school, and our classmates are sups nice!" She told me. I smiled.
"Yay?" That was more of a question than a statement, but she seemed to buy it. I stood up, thanking the principal once more for the warm welcome, and we left.
Hi everyone!
Sorry my chapters aren't so long, I just like doing that for some reason. (WEIRD RIGHT?!!)

Anywho, how did you like the chapter? Again, I'm taking comments, suggestions, and hey! Votes don't hurt either!

I will be accepting images, either made it hand-drawn to put on each chapter. Also, any new ideas for chapters are welcome! (No guarantees!!)

Upload may be tomorrow or the day after. Depends on how my weekend goes.

So Aria's school?
The principal?
Her dad being the Alpha??
Her pack?

Thanks to everyone who's been reading my book so far, and thanks to anyone who votes! I love all of you guys!!

Have a great weekend and happy reading!

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