Chapter 8 ~ Mean Girls Or Girl?

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I stood up to gather my stuff, as Julian walked over.
"Hey, so how did class go?" He asked.
"It was okay, I mean, the project was really hard, but I think I'll manage," I assured.
"That's good then," he chuckled. "Do you like drawing?" I carefully thought about the question as I slung my bag over my right shoulder.
"I like drawing a lot," I finally decided. "I'm not very good, though."
"I'm sure your drawing is better than mine," he said.
"I doubt so," I sang.
"If you think scribbles and stick figures are better than your drawings, then I would gleefully agree!" He explains. I giggle, and walk towards the door with Julian on my side. Maybe school won't be so bad after all.

Near the end of the corridor, I unexpectedly, and greatly against my will, met Desiree making out with a well-built blond guy. His muscles flexed as he pulled her closer, and she gave him a flirty giggle.
"Hi Aria! I was going to walk you to your next class, but then I found you and Julian walking together. I figured it would be best to stay out of your way," she told me, flipping her hair as if she was a Disney princess, and Mr. Muscles was her Prince Charming.
"And by the way, Julian, she's too low on the popularity ladder for you. Why don't you pick someone else who has a, shall I say, higher status?" She turns to her guy, as Julian gives a low growl.
"Come on, Justin. Let's leave this pathetic girl alone. To the cafeteria?" Justin grins, and pecks her lips.
"Anything for you, babe," he pulls her closer. I swear to God, if he pulls her any closer, his muscles are going to jump off his body.
"I'm not pathetic, you coward!" I shout.
"Awwww, is wittle Aria sad?" She mocks, and rolls her eyes.
"You're going to be sorry you messed with me. You'll be so scared, I'll knock those fucking freckles off your face!" I respond, yelling. At that point, Justin stepped in.
"Who are you calling coward?" He smirked. "You really don't want to see the bad side of me."
I opened my mouth to protest, but nothing came out. I shut it and stared at my feet.
"Come on, Desiree, ignore them. They're worthless," he motioned for Desiree to follow him. She flipped her hair once more, gave me a smirk, and walked off hand in hand with Justin.

Julian noticed my hurt expression, and pulls my arm, leading me into another hallway. I stare at my feet the whole time.
"Aria? You ok?" He questions worriedly.
"I'm fine," I mutter quietly. Who does she think she is, calling me off like that? That girl and her bitchy boyfriend better be grateful that I'm not strong enough and can't shift right now, otherwise, their legs and arms wouldn't be attached to their bodies.
"Positive?" He asks once more.
"As positive as the numbers that are on the right to zero on a number line," I joke. He laughs, and pulls me close. That's a laugh I will never grow tired of.

Julian's POV:
I pull her close, and walk alongside her. What's not to like about her? Her lively blue eyes, her long blond hair, and her perfect smile. I can't believe how that son of a bitch called her off. If Justin and Desiree hurt her anymore that way, I'd be the first to lay them off. With no regret.

I peeked at her on the sly, and admired her gracefulness. I can't wait to see who her mate would be; I'm sure her mate will be the best, she deserves it. Thinking about mates only made me think about my birthday that's coming up in two weeks. I'll be turning sixteen, and finally finding out who my mate will be. I hope she's as beautiful and kind hearted as Aria.

We reached the classroom, and I stepped up to the door and opened it. She flashed me a smile, and walked in.
"So where do you sit?" She asked.
"Come on, I'll show you," I beckon for her to follow me. I walked over to a group of desks in the back row, the closest one to the corner.
"Wow, you and I have share a common taste when it comes to seating," she says, dropping her bag on the chair next to mine. "But, I have to talk to Mrs. Jonilyn first, don't you think?"
"That, I do," I replied back. She giggled, and I grinned. I loved her soft laughter. In that moment, the math teacher walked in the classroom. I gestured to Aria, informing her that that's her. She nodded, and walked over to her. I sat down and fished my homework packet out of my bag.

I couldn't make out most of their conversation, except the fact that the teacher said something about not doing the packets she wasn't here for.
"You don't have to do it," Mrs. Jonilyn explained.
"But I can if I want to, right?" Aria asks. She is one devoted girl. I wouldn't go through that much trouble for some math homework. Heck, I would probably avoid it!
"If you want to, I'm not going to stop you," she sighs. Aria took the packet and made her way to me.
"Mission accomplished," she stated.
"Really, Aria?" I roll me eyes.
"Really what?"
I take the opportunity to send her a small smirk. "You wanted more homework?"
"It wasn't homework, I just need to be able to catch up so I don't fail the quiz," she protests.
"We have a quiz coming up?" I joke and pretend to be surprised. She rolls her eyes, and I grin.
"Well then, want to do some 'catching up?' You seem to want that," I tease.
"You know what? I think I'll take you up on that offer," she grins.

We do the first page of the packet together, and I mess around with her for the rest of the period.

When Mrs. Jonilyn announced that the bell will ring in five minutes, we start packing.
"Hey Aria, we have lunch next. Want to sit with me and my friends?" I offer.
"Hmmm, let me think about it," she paused. I stare at her.
"For one, it's 'my friends and I,' and second, I would love to. Thanks for the offer." I roll my eyes, and she bursts into a fresh peel of giggles.
"Deal it is then," I reply. And with that, the bell rings, and we walk out the door together.
Hi everyone!
So how'd I do on Julian's POV? It's my first time, not to mention my first story. That's no excuse is it? ;)

Anyway, I LOVE writing this book, and I never miss a chance to update. I will always try to update at least once everyday. Thanks to anyway who's been reading and voting on the book. You guys don't know how much this means to me. 😘😘😘

So Justin? (In my opinion, he's a form of the living devil! 😂😂😂)
Julian's way of handling Aria?

Once more, comments, suggestions, votes, and images for chapters are welcome!!

8 chapter guys! And I already got 2 votes and 14 reads!! No comments though, that breaks my heart...
Oh well! I really hope you guys like my book, and Im not writing the book for comments and votes and all that, I'm writing it for you guys: My Readers.
So help me and give me suggestions and support!!

Big thanks to @Katie4EverMine for the awesome banner!

Also, I do have an Instagram account you guys can follow me on!
It's really similar to this one 😂:

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Love ya' guys!!

Happy reading!

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