Chapter 21 ~ Date Night (1/2)

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A/N Song is "What Makes You Beautiful" by One Direction...

I rummage my closet for what seems like forever before Scarlett barges in.
"What are you doing?" She nearly screamed. I wince and raise my hand, indicating that she should lower her volume.

As if on cue, Julian's voice boomed through the room, and most likely the entire house.
"Your voice is at a ten, and I need it at a two! Pack business here!"

Scarlett and I both stifled a giggle, and she cleared her throat.

"You and I need to have a serious talk. What were you thinking when you picked that?" She said, disgusted, referring to my casual jeans and top.
"I was thinking of what to wear," I replied sarcastically. She rolled her eyes.

"Obviously, you need some expertise," she acknowledged, searching my closet herself. I huffed, and plugged in the curling iron.

Might as well look good completely.

Scarlett knocked the iron out of my hand and onto her dresser.

"What are you doing?! Do you know what that is?!" She yelled, holding my "date clothes."

"I don't know. A curling iron maybe?" I asked, faking a confused tone. She slapped my arm making me fake glare at her.

"Your first date shouldn't be too heavy with the hair and makeup. You have to look natural," she lectured.
"Whatever," I mumbled.

She threw my outfit on the bed, and clutched the curling iron.

"This is my job, darling," she smirked. I smiled, and turned to face the mirror.

"Nope, it's a surprise," she said, removing the mirror and throwing it on the bed as well.

"Why?" I whined. She glared at me, and I shut up.

No use arguing with her.

Half an hour later or so, my makeup and hair were done, and the only thing left for me to wear was my outfit for the night.

Scarlett explained to me exactly what to wear to every single place she could think of.

And since this was a surprise date, she recommended a simple yet beautiful dress.

"... And don't forget the flats," she instructed. I barely heard any of that, but I didn't care.

"Hurry up and dress," she ordered, walking out of the room.

"Aye, aye, captain!" I mock saluted. She rolled her eyes before walking off. I shut the door behind her and walked back to the bed where my outfit lay.

It was a simple black dress about knee-length, with a diamond-studded collar. She threw in a tailored best to go with it, along with the black flats, a medium-sized black purse, and a pair of luxe earrings.

I sighed as I changed into my dress and threw on the rest, finally getting a chance to look in the mirror.

I gasped at my reflection. Scarlett had done her job and much more.

Scarlett walked in the room again, taking in my look and nodding approvingly.

I ran up to her a gave her a hug, by which she seemed surprised by at first, but then reacted the same way.

"Thank you so much!" I said, making her smirk.
"Yup, your good old auntie Scarlett will do the job for you," she assured. I giggled, and pointed out, "I'm older than you."

"By half a month," she scoffed, and we both laughed.
"Hurry up now, lover boy is waiting outside for you!" She said.
"Wait, there's something I have to do first," I say, ushering her out of the room. I walk to my drawers where I kept a small notebook, my diary, safe and secret. I quickly pull it out along with my purple pen, and decide to write a letter to Liam.

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