Chapter 13 ~ Make New Friends But Hide The Old

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I woke up to a simple buzz of my alarm clock. Sitting up, I glance at it and realize that it went off way earlier than it was supposed to. Stupid clock! Putting an end to this, I get off my bed, grab my alarm clock, open the window, and throw it down. I hear a loud scream of pain, so I lean in and find a young woman rubbing her head and staring furiously at my window. Oops.
"Sorry!" I yell down, closing the window and walking towards my door. Might as well do something useful with the hour, since I know I won't be able to sleep again. I tiptoe past my mom's room and into the kitchen. Rummaging the fridge, I take out a few eggs and a piece of ham. I crack the egg shells against the pan and turn the stove on, throwing in the egg yolks along with some ham in the warm oil as I stir. After a good ten minutes, I turn off the stove and take out the scrambled eggs. Throwing some in my plate, I walk over to the couch with a fork and my breakfast and open the tv.

Half an hour later, I hear a quick knock on the front door. I mute the tv and walk over. I open the lock and the door, finding the young alpha at my door. Julian.

Julian's POV
I quickly knock and wait as Aria opens the door for me. She seemed shocked to see me so early in the morning, and I give her one of my signature smirks that she has come to hate. She runs her hand through her loose strands of hair, and finally begins talking.
"Julian? What are you doing here?" She asks.
"Can't a guy come see his friend? And aren't you going to let me in?" I reply.
"Sure?" She opens the door wider, standing aside for me to walk in. I nod and walk over to the kitchen, with her following me.
"Is there something you wanted? Because I'm pretty sure guys don't come see their friends at five o'clock in the morning," she acknowledges. I roll my eyes and let out a chuckle anyway.
"There is something, actually. Where's your mother?" I ask.
"My moms sleeping. Now spill," she orders.
"Yes ma'am!" I say with a salute. This time, it's her turn to roll her eyes, and I laugh again.
"We had an unexpected visit yesterday," I begin.
"And, I think you might know him."
"Why what's his name?"
"He didn't mention it at first, but when I asked him again for what to say to you, he said his name was Sebastian Dusk. Does that ring a bell?"
"Not at all. I wonder how he even knows me. What happened? Tell me everything." It takes a while to actually remember what happened. It seems as if nothing at all was going on.

Julian: Last night

I stare at the treaty between my pack and the Northwing Pack. They were attacked, and lost many of their members. They wanted to join my pack. I sighed and declined the offer. Their alpha was always showing hatred towards me. Why should I help them? Soon, I hear a knock on my office.
"Alpha?" A young male asks, whom I recognize as Nathan, my beta.
"Come in," I reply. He walks in my office with a confused look on his face.
"We have a visitor," he states.
"Who?" I ask.
"He didn't say." I nod and follow him downstairs to where a few of my guards are standing, with a young red-headed male who had charcoal brown eyes.
"Alpha Julian, I presume?" He asks with a slight bow.
"What is it that you wanted?" I say, getting right down to business.
"I'm sure you've met Aria, Aria Lynn? New recruit at your school, werewolf?"
"And what would you know and need of her?" I ask with a light growl. What did the guy want?
"She's an old friend, and I wish to see her, that is, if you don't mind, Alpha."
"She's not here, but I can send her a message. What's your name?"
"Well, if you put it that way, my name is Sebastian Dusk, Alpha-to-be of the Westwater Pack," he introduced. I nod.
"I'll give Aria the message, anything else?"
"Tell her to meet me in the pond in the woods, 6:00 sharp at night, tomorrow." I nod again.
"You're excused," I say, and he leaves with no more words.

I explain everything that happened last night, and she looks at me strangely.
"I don't know him, I don't think I've even met him!" She exclaims. I sigh.
"Well, school starts soon, can I drop you off?" I offer.
"Sure, let me get dressed first!" She yells from the stairs.
I sit on the couch and stare at the floor. What could Sebastian possibly want?

Unknown's POV
I turn around in my chair overlooking the documents I've just received.
"Father?" A young boy asks from behind the door.
"Come in!" I yell back. My young child walks in looking directly at me.
"What do you want?" I snarl. He looks at me with a grin.
"I'm going to meet her. Tomorrow," he claims. I stare at him in shock, then smirk.
"Wonderful, stick to the plan, get me what I want," I state.
"Yes, father," he says, already walking away.
"Wait!" I command.
"Yes, father?" He says stopping, and turning to look at me.
"Don't mess this up," I say, as he walks out the door. He's already gone a few steps away, but I decide to make one more statement.
"It's 'Alpha' to you, Sebastian."
Hi everyone!
Sorry for the cliffhanger, don't hate me!!
So I added a few more POV's since I've been getting a few messages about how I should do other people instead of Aria. So here we are!!
This is actually one of the worst chapters I've written, and I just realized I shouldn't write like this:
"I put the eggs in my plate.
I walked to the couch.
I ate the eggs.
They were delicious."
I read what I wrote and it pretty much sounded like that, so I'll try to work on that. Julian's birthday party is in chapter 15 probably. I don't really know yet, but it will be AWESOME!! Hopefully.
So questions;
1) Who do you think Sebastian is?
2) Did this chapter change your thoughts about what will happen during Julian's birthday party? If so, how?
3) How do you like this book so far?!! 😂😂💖💖

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