Chapter 12 ~ Silverware Drama

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She couldn't be more serious. First, am I going to scream and run away after seeing the moon goddess? Because I hate to say it, but I'm not looking forward to the special "tea party" with the moon goddess. Much less talk to her.
Rude much? Nyx comments.
Don't push it. I'm so scared Nyx, I don't know how to feel. Every time something nearly good happens, everything turns the other way. I don't want it to happen again. I actually want to live a normal life. That any girl my age would! I sigh, utterly frustrated.
Look, I know how hard this must be for you, but the moongoddess created you. She created your mate. She created me. I don't think she's a monster, she teased.
Okay, I'll give it a chance, I sigh defeated. I hop down the stairs, jumping off at the last three.
"Hey mom," I greet, pulling over a chair at the dining table.
"Hey sweetie, you ready?" I take a deep breath and nod.
"Imagine yourself as a wolf, Aria." I do as she asks, picturing a vivid picture of a beautiful white wolf with my blue eyes. I feel my bones crack and I let out a small yelp. I stare down, only to find that my feet are no longer human, but furry white paws, and my body had changed into the same white wolf I pictured. I liked my wolf. I have my mom an approving smile.
"Okay, now you have to say a few words in your head. I'll send you them in the pack link," she explains. I cock my head to the side in confusion.
"The mind link is basically talking to your pack with only your mind. That way, you can talk to the pack even if you're far apart," she explains. I slightly nod.
Deepest creator, I am your creation.
Emerge from my soul and fulfill my temptation, I hear my mom say through the mind link. I take a deep breath.
Deepest creator, I am your creation.
Emerge from my soul and fulfill my temptation, I say in my head. I look back to my mom as I see her walking out of the kitchen.
Count to 10 in your head, I can't be there, she says finally.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 I count quietly. At first, I don't notice anything, not even the slightest movement. But give or take a few seconds, and I'm standing in front of the most beautiful living creature ever that has dissolved (yes, dissolved) into my kitchen. I stand in awe as she takes her full shape, her white almost clear goddess gown flowing far back, and her beautiful blond hair held in an elegant bun by a silver flower headband. Her delicate shimmering wings blocked my view to the kitchen door, and her silver eyes could be seen a mile away. I quickly picture my dull human form, and I quickly change back, changing into my clothes faster than the speed of light. We stood there in silence for a few moments.
"Forgive me, but I really don't know if I should bow or not," I say with a slight blush. The moongoddess smiles at my rhetorical comment.
"You, Aria Bay Lynn, are a special person, gifted by powers that no one else has. You may chose to accept my gift, or you may reject it. What is your decision Aria?" I just stare at her confused.
"One more time?" I state. She lets out a small yet beautiful giggle.
"Aria, you know that you are the white wolf, correct?" I merely nod.
"Excellent. In this case, the legendary white wolf has special occurrences and powers not everyone has, but if you choose to accept those powers, you must handle them with care," she explains.
"Oh, well that seems to make sense enough," I nod my head.
"Aria, hold out your hands," she commands.
"My hands?" I ask shocked.
"Yes, please hold out your hands if you choose to accept my gift to you." I unclench my fists and hold out my palms. She softly massages them, and as her chanting continues, I feel a tremendous amount of power unrolling off of her. She finally opens her eyes and the silver most around her softens.
"Aria, you must find out what and why these powers are for you. The only thing I can tell you now is that you can contact me anytime, and I will appear. All you must do is picture me, and I will answer your call. Understood?"
"Thank you," I say, holding back tears.
"No need to thank me Aria. Be well and brave until we meet again," she says. And with those words, her wings begin to disappear, along with the rest of the silver mist and her body. I stood there like an idiot. What? I was in complete shock, you can't blame me. I shook off my surprise, and I went to the living room, where I found my mom sitting in front of the television watching "Pretty Little Liars."
"Hi mom," I said.
"Hey! How did it go?" She asked.
"She gave me a gift?" Yeah, that was more a question than a statement.
"It'll be okay, I promise," she confirms, and I give her a grin.
"So, are you going to Julian's party the day after tomorrow?"
"Who's Julian?" She rolled her eyes, and I giggled.
"The alpha of the pack! His birthday is the day after tomorrow, and he might find his mate!" She points her finger playfully at me, and I finally realize what she means.
"No way mom, and I mean, there is no way that Julian would be my mate," I confirm.
"No one knows for sure, Aria. Don't forget, you're gifted by the moongoddess," she gives me a wink.
"Sure," I said, rolling my 'r.'
"Let's get lunch, okay? You should sleep early today, too," she advices. I nod, and I hop back up the stairs to change. I finally decide on a navy blue well-fitted long-sleeved turtle neck and skinny jeans, along with a pair of brown knee length boots. I add a touch of blush and mascara, but no eyeliner. It's daylight, keep it subtle. I trudge downstairs for, what, the third time today? My mom stands near the doorway with a long floral dark purple skirt, with a short sleeved cream top. A small amount of lipgloss and mascara completed the look, along with her black high heels. She had her beautiful hair tied in a ponytail, just like mine.
"You look gorgeous, Aria," she compliments. I blush slightly.
"As do you, mother." We both giggle, and walk out. She digs in her hand purse for her car keys and pulls them out, which later resulted in the flashing headlights of her silver car. I opened the door and sat in the passenger seat, buckled up while I waited for my mom to start the engine. The ride was silent, except for the occasional small conversations about my birthday next month.

We pulled up to a building that was really tall. It was painted a light gold on the outside, and a sign was hung using silver lighting.
"Délicieux?" I asked, confirming the name of the restaurant.
"Yes, it was your favorite fancy diner when you were five," she replied.
"And you still remember that?"
"I remember everything about you, Aria," she said with a loving smile. I smiled back, and walked into the restaurant.

I ordered crab ravioli with lemon butter, which was a combination of classic ricotta with lump crabmeat in a zesty ravioli. Mom ordered an apricot-basil chicken salad, which turned out to be a salad of chicken, apricots and basil on a whole wheat toast. And I thought it would be in a bowl. Oh, please. As we were eating, a sudden question popped out of nowhere in my head.
"Hey mom?"
"Yeah, Aria?"
"Is our pack called the Silver Mist because I'm in it and I can speak to the moongoddess?"
"Yes. I would have told you, but I didn't want you to know so no one else would have to," she sighed.
"Don't worry about it, mom. I know you were doing your best," I assured.

We drove back home and I immediately changed into my night gown for bed. I was so tired, after all that information thrown at me. First I'm told that I'm a werewolf, and then I can speak to the creator of my species. And that excludes all the minor details along the way. Can life get any more complicated? I sighed and climbed on the bed, shutting off my lamp and pulling the covers over me. I dozed off, remembering the moongoddess's face as the last thing before everything blacked out.
Hi everyone!
How's the book so far? I've been getting a lot of messages on how I should do different POV's that are other than Aria's. I PROMISE I WILL!! Maybe in the next chapter. Other than that, any ways I can improve? Excluding the constant spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.
How are the chapter names coming? I just changed them, so you might want to take a look. The cover and title are still under debate.
So I know a lot of things happened in this chapter. But, here are the questions anyway:
1) What are your thoughts of the moongoddess?
2) Who do you think Aria's mate might be? (Available characters)
3) What will happen during Julian's birthday party?

Update will be as soon as possible. I try to update whenever I can, guys.

Almost to my goal, I want at least 10 votes for my next chapter ok? Please?

Thanks for reading guys so far!!
Happy reading!

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