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I woke up knowing something was wrong and boy was I right, Some one was driving away with bee. I was looking out the kitchen door thinking it was Sam but saw him race down the stairs yelling at me, then figuring out we were both here....then who was taking bee?I grabbed my back pack as I ran out the door as the car was moving out the drive way, I ran with Sam in tow as we continued to chase down the car. I looked back and Sam was on a bike, I sped up my speed I was a good 3 feet away from the bumper as Sam was trying to keep up. I run on the schools track or jog but I never entered any sports, I reached out barely touched it when I ran into the car as it stopped I fell to my knees getting the wind knocked out of me, as I watched the car once again speeding off but into a junk yard. The one I normally go for parts. I got up and quickly followed like I never ran into the car. I soon slowed down and let the car take off I was too busy wondering were Sam was till I saw him. We soon saw a giant robot? It was sending a beacon out, with the same emblem that was on the steering wheel. I walked little was before I heard Sam was recording something but didn't care, I kept walking, I was drawn towards it like it was calling out to me.

I then heard growling and snapped into survival mode as I saw dogs barking. I ran after Sam and the dogs. I quickly jumped onto and over pieces of junk of all kinds. I soon caught up with Sam as the dogs cornered him on a box. I grabbed a dog an threw it away as it slid, the other dog jumped at me but grabbed it and did the same thing. The dogs I noticed were hesitant like they knew better than to try again. I then saw the car crash in and Sam flip out. I followed after picking up the keys as the car soon began to chase us. I stopped and hid, that's what my instincts told me to do. I looked around the corner and saw a cop car with cops arresting Sam. I just left my back pack in a safe place and went on my marry way on going home. I felt like I'd be back here again that's why I left it.

Sam was soon interrogated by this donkey. I just listened in on the conversation and soon enough wanted to punch the guy. I just rolled my eyes as he showed off his gun, and joined Sam when he said, "Are you on drugs?" I said, "Are you an Ass?" I heard our dad sigh, and knew this was going to take a little longer than usual. We were out of there in a flash thanks to my persuasion on letting him go. I knew he owes me big but never used it for anything from him.

I walked in the kitchen with Sam as we saw Bee again, Sam dropped the milk but I caught it before it hit the ground. I was putting it away as I heard once again Sam spazzed out. "Satin's camaro." Was all I heard as he talked to miles. I saw Sam grab his mom's bike and head out with Bee following him, I quickly ran after him as I soon passed the car and caught up to him. "On your left!" I yelled out as he quickly looked at me but continued on. (reference to captain america 2) I ran along side him as I slowed down to that big cracked pavement ahead, I was about to warn him but it was to late. I walked up and quickly caught Mikaela, ohhhhh she saw him do that. I was soon laughing hard and said, "Oh, I wished that i had that on camera right now."

Sam got back on his bike as he sped off with me running in tow. The camaro found us once again, It was hard running while laughing and stopped over at a car and slid down to catch my laughter and breath. I soon got up and saw Sam, who was approaching a cop car, but there was an evil aura around it. Something was off as I saw 'to punish and enslave' on it and knew something was wrong here, My red alarm was screaming go get Sam 'NOW! ASAP!'. I saw Sam get hit off his bike and the car changed as he said, "Ok what do you want from me?!" This robot? was running after Sam, I quickly followed in tow as he was hit to a windshield of another car. The robot started interrogate him. I jumped and yanked Sam as we fled the scene with the robot chasing me who was in turn dragging Sam. Sam soon got running and ran a little faster than me and into a incoming Mikaela, and knocking her down and off. I looked over and saw the robot getting closer and flip cars, "ok we need to go like NOW!" I said as Bee came and took down the robot, he opened the doors for us as I quickly jumped in the back with no questions asked. Bee had a protect kind of aura, a good aura not a horrible evil like that cop car.

Sam soon dragged Mikaela in with him as we soon sped off with this cop car chasing us. I was grinning ear to ear now, "Alright I finally get to be in a high speed per suite with a cop, I was going to do that later no but now I don't have to!!" I yelled as Sam just said 'go go go!'. "Whooooohoooo! Keep it up BEE!" I yelled with my hands up enjoying this ride. We soon backed up and it was dark out, bee locked the doors. "Well he wouldn't want us giving away were we parked." I said quietly to Sam. Bee was starting the car as we soon sped off as we missed the cop cars bumper, and was followed yet again. Bee threw Sam and Mikaela out of the car and I quickly hopped out after them. Bee changed into robot form and was soon fighting a giant robot. It was like rock'em sock'em robots all over again. (it's an old game look it up.) This little robot jumped out of the big robot and was chasing us. There was nothing but chaos now, as this little robot grabbed Sam and his pants. I quickly ran over to get a tool as Mikaela was doing the same. She grabbed a saw as I found my back pack I left behind, and I was right when I knew I'd be needing it. I grabbed my Wrench and ran after Mikalea towards Sam. 

I saw Mikalea use the saw and slice of the robots arms, and kept slicing that thing like she was an axe murderer, soon the robot was nothing but a head. "See not so tough with out a head are you, you little bastard." I said and kicked it a good long ways. I soon started walking with them in tow as we saw Bee, they stopped but I kept walking. "He wants something." I told them to quiet there bickering. "Can you talk?" Sam asked after establishing that Bee did want something. Bee soon went through the radio stations. "You talk through the radio?" Sam asked as Bee flipped the station to clapping. "what are you like an Alien or something?" Mikaela asked. Bee changed into a the car form as he opened the door and said, "Any more questions you want to ask?" Bee said through the radio, as I climbed in and sat in the back once again, with Sam and Mikaela soon following in tow.

I actually noticed the other robot in a ditch as we drove off, only to stop so Mikaela could get her purse. I let Mikaela sit in the back with me, and Sam soon smooth talked her into sitting with him or more like on him. I soon got to lay down on the leather again and relaxed as we were now chauffeured around to where ever Bee was taking us, but Mikaela had to say crap camaro. Bee stopped as Sam and Mikaela got out, but as soon as I was to follow the doors shut and locked as we sped off. "Wait Bee. what are you doing we can't just leave them." I said as I was pulled by gravity back into the back seat as Bee turned sideways and soon started to change again. This time I noticed only the look changed and we went straight back to Sam and Mikaela. They soon got in and I layed back down taking in the new leather seats, speeding off to who knows where.

Ready Or Not (Optimus Prime x Male OC)Transformers Movie verseWhere stories live. Discover now