Optimus Prime Ride

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I could not believe Optimus said yes to giving me a ride. Well I guess he couldn't turn me down or he was just being nice. I was in the drivers seat as Optimus lead the way. I was watching the road as Optimus drove. I had my seat belt on of course, my hands were on the leather seat in the middle of my legs, I was a bit hunched over looking out the front window. I felt the leather seat it felt pretty nice as leather will go for you, but it was comforting somehow. I saw the old memories again they were always ether the same or a little different, but this one was way different.

I see this guy, dressed in a lab coat with short hair. his back was turned toward me. the surroundings were getting clearer as the blur soon faded. I held my hand over my eyes at this bright light that lit up this dark hall, I couldn't tell that much. Black hall, bright light, and this man was now a silhouette. The man turned around and he was carrying a small cube? there were agents or the military walking this way with him, they were all blurry, but I noticed some weird markings on the cube. I soon heard a faint call, once, twice, and I came back as the vision blurred and blacked.

I noticed Optimus called me back. I guess I zoned out and acted out, It tends to happen. "Sorry, what?" I asked sheepishly as I shook my head a little. "You acted strangely." I knew he was about to say more but stopped him, "Oh, sorry that usually tends to happen, not my control when I zone out. Old Memories of a long time ago before I was sent to the Witwicky family, they tend to pop up from time to time. Sorry." I wasn't lying when I told him that I couldn't control my old memories. "Oh, It's quite alright." He said, It was about to get silent again but I didn't like that right now it was making this awkward. "Hey did you know your name Optimus has 7 letters in it? and 7 is a 'Prime' number? so Optimus is Prime." I chuckled at the explained fact. I heard him chuckle a bit. "You know, I didn't even think about it that way." I heard his voice and it was full of joking in it. "Well that puts another perspective on life, hopefully the 'Opti-mistic' part any way." Joked back again this time my chuckle was a bit more loud as was Optimus's. "Sorry couldn't help my self." I said as my chuckle faded, but my goofy grin remained.

"Quite alright." I heard his chuckle simmer down a bit. I looked out the window and my mind wondered a bit before Optimus broke the comfortable silence, "So, do you zone out a lot?" I knew he was trying to brake the silence between us. "I began after some..." I wondered if I should tell, the only person who actually knows this is me, I never told anyone else or even Sam for that matter. I heard trusting in his voice, he seemed non-judgmental, Wise, and understanding, no wonder there why he is the leader. After a second or two, my eyes darted from the window to the steering wheel back to the window, I was shuffling a bit. I wouldn't shuffle but I was deciding if I should tell. I saw on the reflection on the window I had a pained look. My eyes were distant and I looked sad as if I was heading to a funeral. I just decided to put it simple. "..Accident that happened when I was little. they tend to pop up at random times." I said looking back at the steering wheel. "I'm sorry for asking." I heard little bit of pain in his voice as he said that, as if guilt was brought on that. "No, no it's ok. I don't mind." I said trying to make him feel better.

I thought until another thing hit me, "So if you can access the internet does that mean you can look up places?" I asked. "Yes? why?" I knew he would ask were this was going. "Well What would be a cool place to go on earth, you know to see the sights if possible." I asked sweetly. I could feel him thinking as he hummed in thought. "Probably the Antarctic to see the Aurora Borealis, or northern lights. they seem like something to see." I finally heard him say. "Ah the lights there are cool. Sometimes if you are lucky and it's rare you can see animals and things in silhouette form go across the lights like a shadow puppet. I got to see them when I was little and traveled nearly every where around the world. Me and my father oved around quite a bit." I said recalling some good past experience on it. "And besides I think this is the coolest thing to happen, to help you guys. After all...I'm just along for the ride." I said happily.

We kept talking for a little longer before we reached home. I soon had to exit the semi, but I luckly cracked another joke before I opened the door.

Ready Or Not (Optimus Prime x Male OC)Transformers Movie verseWhere stories live. Discover now