Heart Break

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I was fine, I had just fainted over the stress of all this. Or so I think. I was depressed due to Optimus, and I stressed over all of this, and I just couldn't handle it. I found out that Optimus was the one who picked me up carefully and sent me in the care of some doctors on base, who worn't attending to others. Iron hide was OK due to Ratchet. I was now at home on my bed in my dark room. My heart oh I wish my heart would just stop. I couldn't hold back all the care in it, for that boss bot. It hurt. I hurt. I then took my mind off of it by wondering where Sentinel McPrick was with the pillars doing what ever. The end of the world...I knew robots would take over....or in second, a zombie Apocalypse or the butterfly's....they are planning our demise as we know it. I got up to go get a soda from the fridge, and turned on the TV.

I heard the news, the pricks speech was on TV.  I soon got a call and had to go, my little robotic friends got caged at the base. I saw Sam fidget as the director apologized, actually apologized! did anyone catch that? Sam jumped or rolled, more like it, over two tables. I wanted to know what the hell was wrong with him. I kept watch on them, but mostly Sam. They were sending the Auto bots away? I went to the spaceship 'the zantheum' I saw the wreckers that guard it. They seem like they are wreckers more than fixers. I just couldn't help but watch, everything was moving fast. It all felt surreal. The Auto bots couldn't just leave....could they? The Decepticons wouldn't leave even if the Auto bots went away. I didn't know what to do exactly right now....this all feels like one bad dream.

I soon walked on, only stopping to spot Wheely and Brains in dog cages. They were being taken away...my friends being taken away...I felt....I feel....I thought I couldn't anymore...I felt...Angry That's what I felt like....Anger. I ran to my two small friends, "Wait! These two are with me." I told the men, "Tak. Their Auto bots. They go." The Director and I went at it for a long time...I didn't give up on them easy. I nearly punched the director if I didn't smack her across her face first. I had two guards strain me so I wouldn't punch her, but that didn't mean no one couldn't recognize the red hand print going across her left side of her face. It didn't matter in the end though, In the end my friends were sent from me. I had too many emotions between anger, rage, wrath, and sadness, alone, left behind...Forgotten. I couldn't handle this anymore! I needed a drink. I went to the lounge to grab some pop and/or hog the vending machine.

I sat there leaning on the machine with my legs spread out on the floor. They couldn't just take my friends away....It's not right.After my little fit, I got up and walked with Sam once again as we went to see the bot's off. This whole mess was not fair...not one bit. "What your leaders say is true, this was all my fault, I told them whom to trust. I was wrong." Optimus spoke to us, " Remember this, you may lose your faith in us, but never in your selves."

"How are you going to fight back?" There was the million dollar question, Sammy. How do they plan to fight, when their leaving? "There is no plan." Optimus spoke, "You both are my...Friends, you always will be. But your leaders have spoken, from here, the fight will be your own."

I could believe his words and reasoning but that he has to go away just to prove that the Desepticons will not leave....it's both logical yet I just couldn't make sense in this surreal state. I saw Sam walk away daring to let the tears run down his face. I was left a bit alone with Optimus, I was about to walk away but something or Someone stopped me. "Tak?" I heard his deep voice, it was filled with concern and sadness. I dared to look at him, but I dared. I gave him my full attention and waited for him to speak first, I didn't think I could manage a single sentence to him, none the less Optimus spoke. "I should have listen to you...I'm sorry Tak."  Optimus started, "I should have let you explain rather then let emotion blind me. I wish to be forgiven but if you don't then it's understandable. I should have trusted you.....And I do. More than you know." He whispered the last part, but I could still hear it leave his lips.

"Trusting someone a second round is like giving them a second bullet to shoot you with, all because he missed you the first time.....Trust is the very foundation relationships of all kinds are built upon...Right now my trust for you is like a broken mirror, you can try an repair it, but no matter what, I'll always see the cracks in the reflection.....'You trust me, I'll trust you, that's what being friends means.'.....It's funny to me that I'm not just proud of my heart, because it has been played, stabbed, cheated, burned, and broken, and somehow it still works...and walking in the dark with a friend is better than walking in the light alone...So what I'm going to do is give you a second chance and shrug what happen off as no more than a..emotional break down. My trust is very hard to gain and quickly to lose, so don't make me regret it." Tak said crossing his arms over his chest and gave him a hard glare, "Other wise you'll be just a head where I can insert bread and use you as a toaster!!....got it? get it. good." Tak said as he saw belief in Optimus's eyes, and turned sideways still holding his star as he grinned, Optimus soon showed a small smile. One of being glad he was forgiven.

"It's good to have ya back Big Blue....even if it's for a while." Tak then left heading to go find Sam. "Oh! before I forget. I needed to give you this," Tak turned back around, to face Optimus. "Kneel down and hold out your hand." Tak instructed, and Optimus did so. "I made this a while back...before the fight. It's for your rear view mirror, some people hang stuff on it so...Here, a gift of a second chance." I laid down a curled up black Cheshire Cat with blue stripes, it was on a silver chain. It was no fuzzy dice or Bee-itch. but still just to see Optimus smile, made my day. or what's left of it....That was the last time I would see him or that smile, to hear him speak or talk to, one I could truly tell anything to, someone who is smart, clever, brave, spirited, a leader who doesn't and never will give up. After they soared threw the atmosphere, the Decepticons blew up their ship...and like Optimus said...it was now our own..........

Good Bye, Optimus. AT least you can rest easy knowing I'd forgave you, because that second chance will have to be in another life....

(OK It doesn't stop here, I have had a lot of homework due to it almost summer and schools about to be over, so I made this one a little longer, and I need help. I want to know if you readers want a chapter in Optimus's Pov. Yes or No, up to you.)

Ready Or Not (Optimus Prime x Male OC)Transformers Movie verseWhere stories live. Discover now