Written in the stars

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I woke up breathing heavy, I had a nightmare... but this one was different, it had Optimus in it, to were he was lost to all and never came back. I wiped my eyes of the stray tears, as I got up and looked out the window to see the stars.

"Stars are like friends; there's always some around, you just need to find your favorite one."  I knew I had friends, but Optimus was different, unique, not ordinary but...extraordinary. Something better than ordinary. I looked at the night sky, it always seems to have the answers I need, or just there for me. 

"Up in the skies, I look very carefully to see your face. I wonder if you're there, I wonder if tonight you're thinking of me. I just want to tell you that looking at the stars makes me think of you. By looking at it I just want to be where you are, and hold you tight and never let go!!"   I felt my heart hurt, as I thought of what happens if we don't find the Matrix and can't get Optimus back, I just can't bear the thought. I never want to think about it, but it keeps coming back to mind....after all...It was all my fault to began with....It was my failure that got us here....Optimus died because of me! I felt my head scream at me, all full of negativity, I was on my knees clutching the sides of my head, with my head down. I couldn't stand it, I had tears falling down the sides of my face...I couldn't bear all this....I wonder if that is what Optimus has to face with him being a leader. "You are so brave and so quiet, sometimes I forget you are suffering." Your home, your friends and family, your deaths, your blame, your war, your stress of being a leader. Being a leader isn't about how strong you are or how smart, but of if you can make the hard decisions or not. that is what a real leader does, and yet you suffer on your own and alone, that know one knows but me, because I to suffer that way, the same way you do.

I know your home got taken from you, that it's gone and can never be replaced. The friends you made and the family you have, yet they die before you and you can only blame your self. The war that is happening and the stress of it all, of being a leader, even I can see the suffering you do alone. There is no words that can describe the blame and stress you can put on yourself, but there is the ones that you can leave behind and say "They have died for a reason, not in vain, but for a cause." I should know I have been there and done it so many times, that I know how to get out, If you were still here...I could have shown you a way out, I could guide you through this darkness of night's vail. I clenched my hands into fists as my eyes were clenched tight and more tears came out.

"The Loneliest people are the kindest, The saddest people are the brightest, the most damaged people are the wisest, all because they do not wish to see anyone else, SUFFER the way they do." I heard myself say this, I opened my eyes and looked up, I saw the stars shine brighter. I looked at them wanting an answer till....I finally got it. The answer was written in the stars, only for me to find. 

I quickly ran to Sam saying fast I got the answer to the clue and ran to tell Simmons, only to find Leo on him...they are asleep yes..."Simmons wake up!" I yelled, "Up,up,up,up , come on!" I said running to show them. I ran out with them in pursuit, "Those 3 stars , and that last one touches the horizon! also know as the 3 kings, and yadda yadda yadda... these the answer! the arrow pointing to were we need to go!!" I yelled happily, and soon enough we were on our way out to the spot to find the Matrix.

Primus, thanks for the stars...I knew you left messages up there...especially when we need them most...especially in this time of need...our darkest hour.

Ready Or Not (Optimus Prime x Male OC)Transformers Movie verseWhere stories live. Discover now