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It has been a long year, for me that is. I fast forwarded going through collage by taking all the finals, they say 'you wanna day to study?' I replied 'Nah, but a chocolate shake while taking them, won't do harm.' I got the jobs I wanted or needed to help my friends in case something decided to pop up. I knew peace wouldn't last long, I even supposedly got a surprise B-day, I knew Lennox was up to something when he asked for my B-day date, but I told him anyway, October 31st (aka, Halloween) The whole NEST team and Auto bots threw me a party Sam and his girl friend Mikaela was there too. I had to act surprised even when I knew about it, but that was short lived when I asked 'now where's that chocolate fountain at?' Lennox knew from right there I knew, but they didn't care it was the thought that counted. After the party I hanged out with Optimus a little bit and went star gazing, I asked him a bit about his home Cybertron, while I answered truthfully about my past in return.

It was time for Sam to go off to collage, I joined into helping him pack and every thing since I had the day off. I had mom crying all over the place wanting Sam to stay and dad trying to kick him out and turn his room into home theater. I was moving boxes over hearing Sam and his drama, I decided to zone out after hearing 'after discovering an alien race together.' I thought back to the auto bots, when we met a year ago. It may have only been a year but Sam now doesn't spazz out as often. I headed back in side and up to Sams room. "Oh hey Tak, here is your old hoodie. It ended up in my room some how." I heard Sam say as he picked it up. But something fell out, Sam picked it up as I touched it in his hand. "Guess a little piece of the cube go stuck in it. Wonder if I can keep it?" I asked but the next thing ya know I saw symbols and my had got a shock as it came back to my side and Sam dropped it of all things, well it did shock him. The next thing I knew It went threw the floor, made kitchen appliances turn evil, Bee shooting every where and a big mess to clean up. What else could go wrong? *I like it loud ringtone* of course I got a call, but I knew who it was so not exactly bad. I answered it and sat on the curb as the mess was getting straightened out one way or another. 

"Yellow?" I said showing a small smile as I heard a deep voice answer, "Blue." I chuckled at our secret color 'code' if you know what I mean, Blue for 'all clear just wanna talk, and Red for trouble' "So whats new, big blue?" I asked as we kept chuckling. "Just wanting to know how you and Sam are?" Optimus said over the phone, he was on his com link and can call me. "I'm fine, Sams been better, Bee is being scolded, aaaaannd the house got hit with mini bots but Bee took care of them but left a mess, reason why he is being scolded right now. aaaanndd I only have a few bullets left since I helped clean up with Bee." I finished summing up what happened but leaving out the cube shard, I told Mikaela to keep it safe and that I'll be there later to pick it up. I knew right now wasn't a good time, it was my day off, it felt like I haven't had one in forever. "What?!" That's all I heard from Optimus he didn't yell it but instead said it in a whisper yell tone. "Are you alright?" I heard concern in his voice, especially when it comes to me. I always wanted to ask why but never got time for it, "I'm fine Optimus not even a scratch, besides you should have seen the other bot." I joked, at first I didn't hear a chuckle but after a sec, he did. "Alright we have a meeting so I'll see ya soon big blue." I said as I got off my phone.

I knew I'd tell him about the shard eventually but until then, extending the truth is all I can do at the moment. I told Sam that It will be awhile before I meet him up at the collage, he nodded as I hopped in my black sports car and drove off. I had a meeting to attend. I arrived on base dressed fully in my uniform as I got out of the car and walked to the meeting room. I took my place as I walked up the steps to the catwalk, I saw Optimus transform out of his semi form. I over heard "You got to wonder, god made us in his image, so, who made him" I rolled my eyes, it could be the other way around, or God has a friend, but who knows. I took my place besides Lennox and heard out this little meeting, I then payed my attention to Caloway. Not someone I'd like. "Share Intel but not weaponry." That's what I heard, "Sharing Intel is one thing but weaponry. Really? Guns and bombs already fall into human enemy hands as it is. If you want WW3 to happen with even more advance weaponry, might as well blow the planet up. You have to look at some consequences and logical 'what if's' here." I complained, as Lennox introduced me. "It would absolutely do more harm than good." Optimus backed me up on this. I knew Caloway doesn't like me, "Who are you to judge whats best for us?" Caloway is a hater. "We have been fighting side by side for a good year." Lennox backed us up as well as a friend, "We shed blood and precious metal together."

"Soldier your payed to shoot not talk." Caloway is getting on my last nerve, "Well we have freedom of speech around here don't we? So, he can talk if he wants to talk." I backed him up. "Easy." Optimus said to him as he left, even I saw the smoke coming off of his head. "Sent a message into space, an open invitation, come to earth." Caloway started again. "Well there are lots of decepticons and very few auto bots, better safe than sorry." I offended once again, to me it was like court. I heard the conversation soon get detailed about Megatron, "Oh geez! don't get that detailed who knows who might be listening, its the reason why I do paper work and not computer work right now." I told him, I heard him say after 'you', and I knew better, if I had a stress ball it would of popped right now. Decepticons want this planet because theirs is gone, we have all kinds of resources here, we are here who knows maybe we would be used as slaves, come on! I wanted to say it but I kept it down, I saw Lennox give me a look off respect that I wasn't tearing of his head right now. But oohhh I wanted to and still do. "Freedom is your right, if you make that request, we will honor it." I trust Optimus and knew there had to be a good catch, "But before your president decides, please ask him this. What if we leave...and your wrong?" The way he leaned in on the last part was effective, I saw Caloway jump. "That's a good question." I commented. I walked down the stairs as me and Optimus left the meeting room, my face then turned a deep share of red as I was walking out of base.

"Where are you going Tak?" I heard Optimus say, I sighed, "Going to shoot something, even I knew it's not good to hold your anger in." I heard him chuckle and I felt like he had a smile across his face. I heard his big foot steps as they moved slowly behind me, I walked over to a rock and sat there, I knew there was a good target about a long ways away, but didn't care. I pulled out my gun and fired a shot 'nailed it' straight between the eyes. Every one was inside doing there own jam, as no one was out shooting besides me. "That's a good shot especially from back here." Optimus commented me, I shot a few more times before heading in. One between the eyes, one were the sun don't shine, and the rest....Shot Threw The Heart and I'm to blame, I give stress a bad aft name.

(alright will update more around Christmas break more but I will update as soon as it is possible for me alright, thanks for the views and votes, and adding it to your library.) 

Ready Or Not (Optimus Prime x Male OC)Transformers Movie verseWhere stories live. Discover now