3rd movie intro: Dark side of the moon

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Tak is 19, another year has passed and he is a decorated general (not part time anymore), still second secretary of defense though, and still is Lennox's right hand man in missions, and second in command, also plays solo or rouge if needed in some missions. Tak currently works in nest and does other military co-op if needed to. and a auto-bot babysitter a few times.

Tak Clockwork Knight (full name with out Witwicky)

Age- 19

Degree- on the spot masters

Job-military, Air force, marine, etc.

Main job- Second command in NEST, Spy/ agent

Secondary job- General and second secretary of defense

part time jobs- other military jobs (mess hall, mechanic, doctor, etc) and Auto bot baby sitter if needed.

(I will continue on a later date because I don't have the 3rd movie right now, but I will continue. so hang tight.)

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