Cool Down and Trust Me

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I wanted to go to the moon and back, I loved that song and 'shoot the moon' as well. I saw Optimus walk off to an isolated location of the HQ, probably to let off steam. Literally. I followed in pursuit, I knew I wasn't going with them sadly, all well. I followed Optimus till there was no one else insight and he stopped, sighed, and was leaning forward on a catwalk, luckily the catwalks were able to handle the weight. So he could lean on it all day, I went quietly up the steps. Optimus had his eyes closed or offline or whatever. I went up to his face leaning on his forearms as they were crossed on the railing. I went and put my empty can down on a nearby table. I walked up to his face that seemed to be taking some quietly deep breaths to calm himself down. I put my right hand carefully on a place on his forearm, but the moment I did. "GA!" I retreated my hand away swiftly, Optimus was like a hot oven. I shook my hand around a few times before looking at my palm. The whole inside of my hand was red from getting burned, my hand was singed. "Tak?!" I looked up at Optimus as his head was up off his arms, I smiled through my gritted teeth. "It's fine, can't be worse than taking a bullet." I reassured him, "Guessing when your angry your like sticking a hand in a fire, Hu?" I asked playfully, and chuckled.

Optimus didn't chuckle back but was worried, "Is your hand alright? Do you need medical attention?" He sounded like an over protected mom right now. "It's fine Optimus nothing but a small burn, it'll heal, but thanks anyway." I smiled to reassure him but, he was still worried about me. "I'm guessing your letting off steam before your field trip?" I leaned on the same railing as Optimus, but careful as in not to let my arms touch his forearms right now. I looked up at him, "You could say that." Optimus said in a sigh as he laid his head back on his arms. I smiled and he smiled back, I knew how to get him to relax, all I got to do is be me. Show up, be humorous, comfort him and smile. "You know laughing gets people less angry quick. So wanna hear a joke?" I asked him to see if I couldn't cool him off. Optimus hummed in response of a Yes.

  "OK so, The U.S. Government decided to take an experiment to see what people say right before they get into an auto accident. 89% of the people in 49 states said: 'Oh, shit!'  In Texas 94% said: 'Hold my beer. Watch this.' " I said, it was a true and is probably is still accurate. Joke or not it was funny, and I chuckled at it. I looked up at Optimus as he let out a low chuckle, I smiled to see him relax. I was joking for a while till he had to leave to go to the moon. "Bring me back a rock or a piece of metal as a souvenir." I told him before he left, "I'll try." He responded, now all I had to do was wait till he got back. I bandaged my right hand and left to the radio station. 

I heard they got Sentinel and was heading back, I couldn't wait. But something was desperately wrong here, like major hell no, kind of wrong. This is like a big headache, and I had to sit down. My head was hurting like I got whacked with a steel pipe. I sat there till It was worse, and that was when Optimus came back with Sentinel. I stayed strong, "Hey big blue, how was the trip?" I asked, "I got you a souvenir. or two." He chuckled, I was a happy camper at that, he put a hand down and it had a rock and a piece of metal. I grabbed both, the rock wasn't big but like a big pebble, and the metal shard was almost the size of my finger. "Thanks big blue, did ya friend have a good trip back? or is he still sleeping?" I asked, he nodded. 

after things got set up, Optimus was going to revive his mentor. Something was off about it though, like something was wrong, completely and terribly wrong. I had pocketed the Souvenirs and was walking with Optimus. "Hey, Optimus." I was unsure if I should tell him, but he would understand..Right? "HM?" He stopped and bent down on one knee, my face was unsure and my eyes looked at the floor. With my hands in my pocket, I just didn't feel like I should tell him. "Tak?" He said quietly and worried, I felt like I should stop this and not tell him, and dim my headache. But I just couldn't I trust him so. "I don't think this is right." I let the words slip out, "Tak, I don't understand?" I knew he would need an explanation. 

"I think we or you, should not revive him. I feel something bad very very bad. Just trust me on this." I let my eyes stare at him, a stern gaze to let him know I'm serious about this. I could see how he felt, "Tak.-" He started but I cut him off, "Please Optimus." I tried. "Trust me." I stepped forward, "NO!" I took two steps back at that, he barked at me? He stood up, "No Tak." He said his temped down a bit, "Optimus please just trust me!" I told him but he wouldn't have it. "I don't." Did I hear those words right? "I'm not trusting you on this, and if you don't like my decision then go." He backed up, "Optimus just-" I tried. "NO! Just go, TAk!" He actually yelled. "But Optimus-" I still had that small hope he would listen, but it failed. "GO! GET OUT OF HERE!" he roared, I backed up. 

That was it, he doesn't trust me and I ran out of there. When I got to my room in the base, I didn't care, I trashed things in blind anger and grief. I sat against the wall, my knees to my chest and my arms wrapped around them. I looked up and closed my eyes, I could feel tears coming out and slid down my cheeks. I should have just kept my mouth shut, I should have just... I don't know what to actually do right now, but cry out. When I felt a little settled I went out and was in a high spot in the shadows to watch Optimus revive his mentor. 

I sat not even caring or moving when he tackled Optimus. All I did was listen to the conversation in nonchalant, then that was it. I went home and curled up in bed. I wasn't hungry so I skipped dinner. I wasn't tired so I just laid there, thinking and thinking. I always hate getting left in my thought at night waiting for the sun. I still had tears, cry's of both sadness and of anger, and I just didn't know what else to do but wait for disaster. I was shaking like a leaf in a storm, I could do nothing else right now but cry in silence. 

And Wait.

Ready Or Not (Optimus Prime x Male OC)Transformers Movie verseWhere stories live. Discover now