Just a Drive

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I got off the bench and walked over to him, and came around to the driver side when he stopped next to the curb. He opened the door for me as I hoped in, and shut the door, as he drove. I put my seat belt on and relaxed. I still had a headache from the family's loud bickering so the silent drive was nice, I let my back slouch a bit, my hands on the seat in between my legs. I just let my mind wonder as I stared at the road, After a few minutes the silence broke. "Are you all right, Tak?" I heard Optimus say, I sighed, "Yes and no, no because Sam gave me a headache with his whining and arguing. Yes, because I'm here with you now." I felt like Optimus had a smile right now, probably at what I said. I smiled and closed my eyes, "So how are the rest of the auto bots adjusting to earth, and our customs?" I asked gazing at the steering wheel now, I had to start a conversation, this silence was killing me. "They are getting use to earth, they still don't understand some of your earths language or 'slang' but they make an effort." Optimus replied, "Ya, our slang is a bit different." I said, I could understand why they didn't get it, it was more of an earth thing anyway.

"So how did job hunting go, with Sam and all?" He asked, "Well besides lots of the hunting, I got Sam a good job at a place I knew about. So now he has a job and will be working finally." I explained, I didn't know what to talk about we still have a lot of time to spend. I wonder..."So, do you think that any of you will go back and fix your home planet?" I asked if-y on the subject, "Our planet is some what un-repairable, and will take many thousands of years to even get one tenth of it operational. That is, if it was some how able to be repaired." I felt guilty saying stuff now, I didn't mean to make him sad. "Sorry, I was just making sure...Well...I really like you all here, even if its still getting use to. I just didn't know if you all might leave in the future, I just...Sorry." I said forcing a smile, I heard Optimus chuckle and I just stared at the wheel, "It is fine, I'm glad you want us to stay...I know of a place around here that sells 'hot chocolate'." I heard him say, I knew he was smiling and now he changed the subject...but hot chocolate.....he knows me to much. "Oh, you mean that place on the corner not to far from here? I love their hot chocolate! They even told me how to make it, can we stop by?!" I asked excitedly, like come on its hot chocolate! even in the summer its good!

So Optimus chuckled and stopped by the place, I got out and went in to get the drink. I was soon at the register when the girl got the order and then actually 'flirted' with me. She was new I could tell, I came here a lot and knew the staff, she must be a new trainee. I just asked for the order and she was holding the drink, taunting me. "Give me a date and you can have your drink free." She sang, "How about I give you money and you give me the drink" I sang back, she was getting on my nerves. She wants a date with me, just for my looks. I always hated people like this, judging me on how I appear, I swear if this was a cartoon there would be steam coming out my ears now. So I went with a ticket out, I always say this when a girl gets this way here. "Can I speak with your manager please?" I asked, "Of course let me go get her." She said walking away, I would have left money and taken the drink. But she took it with her, I was above annoyed. She came back with a lie spilling from her mouth as they moved to me, I saw anger on Ashley's  face but then turned into a deadpan one. "Let me see that drink." she told the newbie, "here Tak, no charge." She said handing me the drink, "Nah, I'll pay extra next time. you deserve it my friend." 

I left with the newbie shocked, an angry manager and a good drink. When I finally got back into Optimus, I knew he would ask, "What happen?" The shop had glass windows and doors, so he saw what happened but didn't hear a thing. He started driving again, "Have I ever told you that I can't get girls off me now a days? To many like what they see but never like what is me." I said taking a sip, and continued, "Newbie flirted with me, wanting a date if I wanted a drink. I knew the staff and let my friend Ashley who is the manager deal with her." I said still annoyed about that chick. I heard what probably was an angry hum, "Well at least you didn't have to go out with her." I could still tell there was angry or annoyed sound in his voice. I guess he even hates when someone tries to force another to do something. Or he was angry at the situation so lets move on, "So I heard we are going to a place with Radioactivity? What do you think is there?" I changed the subject away from my life.

"Probably something that doesn't belong there." he said after a hum, "Like waldo." I said taking a sip, he didn't respond for a second, "Oh." I nearly did a spit take, he searched the web for that. I had a crunched up look, I swallowed and laughed lightly. Optimus chuckled, "I'm glad your here, big blue. Wouldn't have an awesome friend any other way." I said as we just talked and joked to pass the time, I was glad to have meet Optimus, he even likes his nickname I gave him one day. I would have called him big red, but that reminded me of Clifford the big red dog, way to much. so big blue kinda stuck, and I'm the only one who is allowed to call him that!

Ready Or Not (Optimus Prime x Male OC)Transformers Movie verseWhere stories live. Discover now