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(Ok, I know I have not updated in a LONG while, I will finish this. I had to go back and re-read my story...and I only cried for a few minutes on some chapters. Any way, I laughed at my Transformers board on Pinterest, then found this pic *Above*, I could wait for my knight in shining armor...or go out to look for him, he might be stuck in some cables somewhere. XD)

I was happy that wheely and brains went with me to the weapons store. They said they didn't knew I cared so much for them when I was yelling at the director. 'I of coursed care, you guys are like family to me...never forget that.' Sam was right behind me, as I guess a few bots stayed behind back at the building to get a ship or whatever back up and running so me and Sam can get his girl friend back. I broke the door down with a kick and went to work grabbing what I could hold and re loading my guns and putting a lot in my bag, Sam grabbed a few as well. We then made our trek back to see that Bumble Bee will drive the space ship or what ever.

"You can fly this right thing right?" Sam asked him, as Bee just waved his hand to signal a 'little bit' and Sam asked 'what is that? So so?...So you can So so can fly this?' Me and Sam went to the ship and took off meeting his back up later. 'Least Bee somewhat can fly this.'

Sam and me jumped to the ledge of a building and snuck in, Sam of course raised his gun at the man and his voice 'Where is she?!' (Batman much? where is she! where is Rachel! XD haha) I had stood up with gun in hand to back up Sam if need be, as the man just said, "you got some balls." Guess he never thought Sam was a crazy, brave, protective guy when he or his loved ones get threatened huh?...sounds like me...I have been rubbing off on him, after all these took this long...just for him to grow a you idiot.

Soon I had to duck as LazerBeak came at us, or Sam more like it. Sam was tossed out and over the balcony, I shot the guy holding Sam's girl as she ran to me, Sam was fine the ship was under the I pushed her over the side...hopefully Sam caught her. I then jumped back to land on the other side of the ship. "Bee, pump some lead into these Con lovers." I told him and he did, but soon LazerBeack got in the way and so....I blew his fragging head off. We sadly were going down, luckly we were ok...for Bee's landing anyway. Auto bots were soon at our crash sight and Sam had his moment with his girl. I saw a drone that had been shot down and it was lucky for us, operational. They could see and hear us. I stood behind Sam and his girl explained the situation to them.

"Think we can shoot down the pillar with that rocket launcher?" Sam asked, "it's was eight blocks away we would need to get closer...or higher?" I said as they agreed and then pointed at a high building. Clear sight, cross the river, and one shot? "One shot is all we need." I said as we headed out. I rode with Optimus of course, he was not shaking me off this time...not again, never again. We ran into ShockWave...again. I had tried to notify Optimus that it was attacking his trailer more, but...bang, it rolled over and left Optimus. half of my sentence died in my throat. As we soon reached cover, even I knew Optimus needed his trailer at this moment. We in the end had to split up, Wreckers, the rest of the auto bots and us. I went with Sam and them to the tall building while the rest of the auto bots drew ShockWave's attention. I got a few 'bomb sticks' and 'grapple gloves'.

We were soon on a good floor of the building loading the rocket launcher with a clear shot at the pillars, but of course it couldn't be that easy. The building was shaking a bit, ready to tip over. Especially when their are ships shooting at our building making it tip over, and pour us out. (tea pot song) The building was defiantly tipping over, and we haven't even taken our shot yet. I being smart put myself behind one of the support beams or pillars in the office and let gravity take it's turn pushing me back into the solid structure. We soon had incoming and had to hide, luckily the building didn't tip the full way over. I soon pushed some rolling chairs out to get the Con's attention then threw a grenade in it's direction. "Run!" I yelled as we made our trek up the slanted floor, firing at the Cons as well. "Out the window's now!" I yelled as I was the first to do so.

Ready Or Not (Optimus Prime x Male OC)Transformers Movie verseWhere stories live. Discover now