The Matrix

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(Optimus Prime's voice actor Peter Cullen also Plays Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh)

We soon arrived to where the Matrix was located, It was a pretty place not actually made of dead robots like Jetfire said but still. I ran as fast as my feet would go into the building with the rest of them in pursuit. I was quickly looking around and trying to find if this place had a secret room or something, Sam was also helping. I was still looking not wanting it to be true, that the Matrix was not here, that! I'm searching even if this place has to get blown apart, I'm not giving up, not now! NOT EVER! I wiped the stray tears from my eyes and kept searching, I was tapping my hands every where, "Tak." No there has to be something, "Tak." I kept up my searching looking everywhere I could. "TAK!" I finally stopped and dropped to my knees, I couldn't stop, not while This Fallen is still alive, not while the decepticons are alive, NOT WHILE OPTIMUS IS DEAD!!! I got back up and continued my search, "TAK! JUST STOP. OK? IT'S NOT HERE!" Sam screamed at me and finally ran up to me and held me by my forearms near my shoulders, I had my head down. "It's not here, Tak." I finally looked at him, my eyes had tears and my face had tear stains, he saw what really was behind my poker face, for the first time I allowed it. Sam finally saw what Optimus's death truly did to me, that I can't play the 'I'm alright' or 'It's fine' card. He hugged me as my face was now in his shoulder, Sam has never ever seen me cry, no one has, not till now.

I heard the Twins fight and me and Sam broke up the hug, as they were wreaking up the place. Bee soon intervened and tossed them out, I saw the damage they did, but It wasn't a bad thing. I ran over there out of Sam's grasp, I started tearing up the wall, and found metal and symbols. "Bee! shoot it down!" I said and got out of the way. I ran back to it with a flashlight in hand, I quickly moved into the place, my face was lit up happily. The place was made out of dead robots, but I didn't mind not as long as...There!...that has to be it! I shined my light on it. I put my flashlight away as I picked it up carefully by it's ends. "The Matrix." I said as my happy moment soon turned sour as it fell to dust. No....No,no,no,no,no,no,NO! This is not how it ends not now! we were so close. I took of my converse shoe and took off my sock, I put my shoe back on as I took my sock and put the specks inside. "Tak, we can't bring him back theirs nothing left." Sam said, I kept putting the dust in the sock, "Tak! he's gone for good you have to get over that!" That tares it, "Sam look around I, no, we went through this, I don't care what you say! I'm trying this and it's final! I will never give up, NOT EVER! AND ESPECIALLY NOT ON MY FRIENDS! WHEN THEY NEED ME MOST, WHEN THERE IS NOT DAWN TO COME IN OUR DARKEST HOUR! I WILL NOT STOP FIGHTING SAM, NOT WHEN PEOPLE ARE OUT THERE WANTING TO LIVE. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP, NOT EVEN MY HOPE OR FAITH WILL FALL OR FALTER BUT STAND TALL AND READY FOR THE IMPACT!" I screamed at him and I had the dust in the sock. I tied a knot in it so I wouldn't lose the dust, as I ran outside. I saw the plane, and where they landed. 

"You really think you can bring him back to life with that pixie dust?" Simmons asked, I was serious now, I was getting this Pixie dust to Optimus. "Absolutely." I replied there was no doubt in my voice and in my answer. We soon was heading out there, I soon saw that flair. Soon enough we were taking bullets from a jet, I saw Leo cowering next to me. "Whimp." I muttered. And now he was yelling for his life, oh Primus, help us! "Taser! please!" I told Simmons as he handed me the taser, and I tasered him right in the neck, because he was a pain in the neck. "Can't take that guy anymore." I said as he was soon knocked out. We were still under fire, but we soon got out. We decided to split up, I was going to Optimus and I ran for it. Sam and Mikaela was not far behind, as we were soon to the area. I was running and running and I wasn't stopping anytime soon, I saw the flairs over head. We were almost there, we were moving fast. I moved a bit faster as I guess Megatron brought his decepticons over to fight, "I never Invited them to the Egyptian party." I told Sam as we were moving fast as we could without getting spotted. We soon moved into a house and hid, I wasn't paying attention to them but to what was happening outside. We were quite due to it, and I noticed Sam make a peep hole, and "Sam don't." I whispered as he crushed the little robot bug. The top of the roof was yanked off as we were now moving, we were running once again. "Jump." I told them as we were now jumping roofs, away from blasts from the decepticons. 

We were running over the sand dunes as I heard the parents scream our names, oh crap. We stopped because this soon became a hostage situation. Soon enough Bee was beating up the decepticons, as he soon killed them. I has the Pixie dust tucked into my pocket as we were dodging fire, "Bee! get them somewhere safe alright!" I yelled at him and was about to take of running again, but they were panicking about me. "Let me go, I'll be back alright. I promise. you two Sammy-Boy, take care." I said as I quickly slipped from there grip, I was running not caring about the firing and gun shots I have a job to do, and I never go back on my word nor promise. I stopped for a moment looking for Optimus, I heard Iron Hide say pillars and I was off again running. I was running bobbing and weaving around robots and their firing, I was almost there. "Hey!" I yelled my breath and voice falling me, as my heart was pounding in my chest. They soon spotted me, I was now taking lots more fire, I was hitting the dirt and soon saw Lennox over by a broken building, I ran and dived by him as the building was used as a shield. "You better have a good reason for us to be here?!" He said, "Where's Optimus?" My voice was failing me right now but as scratchy and horse as it sound It still kept its volume. "Across the court yard." Lennox pointed towards a blanket covered Optimus not far away. 

"I have to get to him right now." I said but Lennox didn't agree, "I have to get to him, RIGHT NOW!" I said once again, JetFire was soon down an into action as he took out a decepticon. another one took him down though as he said" I'm getting to old for this crap." I heard the conversation and, "Well if the orange smoke is the target here we should get moving!" I told them, "RUN!" we yelled as we took off not wanting to be hit, I looked back to see iron hide trying to keep up. I was about there, when I got flipped, Lennox and his crew was separated from me. 

The last thing I knew was black as I tried to keep my eyes open. My last thought....Please, give Optimus the Matrix...succeed where I have...Now failed. 

Ready Or Not (Optimus Prime x Male OC)Transformers Movie verseWhere stories live. Discover now