This is the Beginning

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I was just standing there. I could feel the wet tears leave my eyes...I just...I need a vacation from broken heart city...I will help end the war, then go buy a house in the country, make a farm business, and just plan out work with no technology at all. Some OX and a plow will be fine....because I can not take all of this anymore, I feel like if I see a semi I will break down and just....I can't life anymore..I swear.

I just put on my headphones and set my Ipod to (linkin park- iridescent), I walked to the front lines by myself, I knew Sam will be here shortly with others. They had his girl friend after all. I walked ignoring the shouts from the people running away. 

'Wrong Way!'

 'Where are you going?!'


I knew where I was heading, to finish what had been started. Even if it killed me, but then I might see Optimus again...Who knows. If I do die, then in my next life I'll look for Optimus again, and I'll go through countless more just to find him again if I don't the first time. Right now I'm not afraid of what can go wrong, but excited of what could go right. I will get through this with or without help.

I saw a few bots shooting people with guns and they turned to ash. I wasn't afraid. I never am.


 It has two meanings. A motto I live by when going through the tough times when I was young, and I still follow it. Forget Everything And Run, or Face Everything And Rise. And I will face this mess and rise up to the challenge. I will not back down, not when I came this far. 

I choose wisely and run at them guns blazing, I don't know how many I shoot down, but in the end I don't care. I move through buildings, across streets, and over the wreckage of this soon to be forgotten city. I kept going, through my bruises and scrapes, I keep going. I'm not stopping, not till the end. And the only end I see is Death.

But not today, not now, not ever. I will never give up. The day I die will be of my choosing, not destiny's or fate's. My life. My story. I get to decide the ending. No one else but me. This day isn't the end, it is merely just the beginning, the new chapter in my life. Every adventure is. Every day is.

I keep going, I had finally got into a stone building. I ran out of bullets, grenades, and anything extra I packed. Though, my lunch is still intact. I decided to camp here for awhile to eat my lunch, I don't know how long it has been but, I need to find some more weapons...Wasn't there a gun shop not far from here?


I was sat criss-cross on the stone floor, eating a sandwich. I looked to see Sam running at me, along with a few other people. I take it their in a way back up. Sam was now crouched down to hug me, I use one of my arms to hug him back, my sandwich was in my other hand. "What are you doing here!?" Sam of course asked. "Right now eating lunch. Then maybe going back to desolate some more Cons." I said finishing up my lunch, and took out my apple juice in a box. As I put my trash back in the brown paper back and tossed it somewhere.

I stood up as Sam gave me that look, the one of which makes him connect the dots. "You left that disaster in the roads, we all were wondering who was out here doing so." Sam said running a hand threw his hair. "Sammy, I thought you of all people would recognize my handy work...Guess not." I said as I heard loud foot steps and a few beeps. 

I turned to see Bumble bee. Alive. along with a few other Auto Bots. "Wait, hold the phone here. You guys are still alive?" I asked calmly. Apparently they hid not on the ship that was blown up, they crashed into the ocean and made their way here. Ok, I see Optimus stepping in, guess I wont break down if I see a semi now. I sip my boxed drink as Optimus looks to me, I could see sadness in his eyes. Probably for not telling me he was going to be safe and alive, he said he would trust me...though even the Cons might have heard it if he said it out loud that day.  

I will shrug this off as well, "So, the boss bot returns. Nice to have a sequel to my adventures again." I said smiling, "So, anyone have an extra gun I can use. I used every thing I brought to cause the genocide I made on the road here." I said turning as I was given a hand gun. "So what are all of you planning, I just came here to wreak havoc and Stop Sentinal McPrick." I asked, "I'm getting my girlfriend back and then heading to stop him to." Sam explained. "Alright I'll head with you Sam, but we stop by that gun shop down the road when we get their. We might need some extra fire power. or at least I do." I said sipping on my juice again, "Sounds like a plan." Sam says. I look at Optimus again before me, Sam, and his friends are heading off. 

"Good to have you back Big Blue." I said, before walking down the streets to go get Sam's girl. I was going to tell Optimus a few things on my mind, but I'll just have to do it later...I hate cupid, I hate the universe, and I hate my heart. I definitely, after all this time. Can finally narrow the stupid nagging feeling down to one idiotic word in the world. Especially to Optimus.


Ready Or Not (Optimus Prime x Male OC)Transformers Movie verseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant