Big Kisses?

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It's been a while, a week by now, since I fell asleep on Optimus's shoulder. Luckily my paperwork has been less and less, I receive now close to none, that last battle has now been filed away. To me it's back to no work and all play, and by that I mean work with nest and the Autobots. And Optimus has been glad of that, and some Autobots. Our mission is within a week, so that's coming up.

I'm walking into the Autobot hanger, to see nest training and practising with the bots. I take the ramp up to where ratchet was, sorting data out. I had looked around but haven't been able to find Optimus so this is why I came to see if ratchet knew where the hell prime was. "Hey ratchet have you seen prime? I know I looked everywhere on base." I asked walking up to him, Ratchet looked at me and thought waiting for him to process info if any. "I don't think I have. Are you certain you looked everywhere?" He asked, "I'll go down the list then."

I checked here in the morning hoping to catch him since he gets up early, no dice. I even waited for a while, then went to go check elsewhere. There was a half an hour between though, I went to the cafeteria to get breakfast. Then a few halls here and there, I had went through the office by rolling along on the rolly-chair, then somehow had even gotten into an office war on the way. I had to grab the ferbreze and a zip-tie, just to end it and get to get to the cameras to see if he went anywhere. I had looked outside, had to show a few rookies the ropes after they said they were the top shooters. Dumb newbies. Anyway, went back to looking for prime, went to a few other hangers and still couldn't find him. Asked a few people. And went back to the cafeteria for lunch, we had a good fight in the mess hall. I'd even admit I did throw a trashcan around with some trays. But after that I thought you might know where boss bot is.

"Guess not." I sighed leaving out a few other crazy things that happened within the hallways. "Well it is strange that I haven't seen him, all day actually?" Ratchet said concerning. "We haven't seen prime all day either, we all just thought you both went for a drive." Iron hide said speaking up, bee nodded in agreement. "Well, if he hasn't been seen or heard from.....then he would have been in the same place all day....wait I remember a few years back when this happened to me... Optimus must still be in his room then." I said going down the ramp, to head for his quarters. "And if not, that means I did search everywhere." I muttered.

I had approached the very large metal door to Optimus's room, I had walked up and knocked on it. "Big Blue? You in there? I want to talk....." Silence, so I tried once more, "Come out, I have been looking for you all day! Please? You owe me for checking everywhere, and I mean everywhere here prime! So open up! Hellloo? You even in there?" I had knocked and nearly yelled in frustration that I had spent a good day looking for my boyfriend only to find him not here, or closed off in his room from something big that must have happened.

I had waited, and then a bit more.....I hit my head on his door and sighed. I really needed that, where the hell is he? I soon felt the door open and I had to take a step back. Optimus was standing there looking down at me, he bent down to pick me up carefully. I sat in his palm as he walked back in his room, I looked at him and he looks like a kicked puppy almost. He just sat on the edge of the berth, one arm on his knee, with one hand cradling me against his chest. "Optimus? Are you OK?" I asked. I was sitting down with my knees to my chest, arms wrapped around my legs. I was worried what could put him on such a state of grief.

"I am sorry for worrying you, I had just wished to be alone for today." Optimus finally spoke up. I was still questioning what had happened. "May I ask why? Please Optimus. Tell me what has happened?" I had gotten up and faced him putting my hands on his chest. Optimus soon looked at me, and sighed. "...I have yesterday, over heard some...harsh things." Optimus looked away, he couldn't look at me. "Do a lot of humans only see us as mindless, unfeeling, machines?" I had to blink, I think he was summing up what he heard with just those words.

I had to think on what to say, but it didn't take long. "Some people see others by only what they look like, and judge them based on never truly knowing them. but their are others who are gifted to see more than what they see, they will get to know the person for who they truly are. People say what they think, but no one truly thinks the same only seem to agree in their own way." I said trying to explain, "I hope you understand what I mean." I muttered, Optimus nodded and looked back at me.

"Tak," Optimus began as he raised his hand for us to see eye to eye, "you see what is beyond what is placed Infront of you, true?" He had asked that with such sorrow. I placed both my hands on his face, "of course, i see you for truly how you are and not some mindless robot. I fell I love with you, for you Optimus." I smiled at him, "and I'm still falling for you, probably why when I'm around you I feel like I'm floating on air...or sky diving...either way I will never stop loving you." I had put my forehead on him, I finally could feel him relax.

I had a crazy idea.....I had now tried, literally tried to kiss him. I could feel him wonder what I was doing but also tried to help. His lips are as big as my head, but anyway I had to pull away. even if it's not a true kiss, doesn't mean it doesn't have the same meaning. I laughed as he smiled and lightly chuckled, "I don't think this works." Optimus spoke up, I shook my head, "it works, people have different kisses, lips, nose, cheek, forehead,etc. This is just one we get to have that others can't. All of the above....a face kiss. And it works, in all it has the same meaning does it not?" I asked smiling, as Optimus smiled back with amusement in his eyes.

"Can I have another one?" I chuckled, as Optimus just shook his and chuckled. I was glad to cheer him up, I know he could always count on me, I just hoped he knew that. He shouldn't care what other people think, our relationship is just us, no one else. So why should we have input from the world? I'm just glad he is happy now.

Ready Or Not (Optimus Prime x Male OC)Transformers Movie verseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon