Welcome To The Car Wash 2.0

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(I'm sorry I couldn't continue the last carwash chap because it would change the story to mature...but I give you something a bit better...and I apologize I will make very detailed fluff in next chapter!)

I had three days off...I was board...Well let me explain, I overworked if possible, that 6ft stack of papers I did well all that was suppose to be my work for two weeks and I did it all in one. Even the extra paperwork I did in 4 days so another 3ft stack...It was suppose to last since Lexington and the Auto-bots were out on a mission...it was suppose to take my mind off of them...including Optimus...Didn't last. They should have told me, and Carly and Sam said bye to Bee and went back to normal work with them. Me I said bye to Prime...

And that brings me here, sitting crisscrossed on my own desk playing with my paddle ball in one hand the other held my face with elbow on my knee, I had a annoyed look because it's never easy with me being 'Board'. believe me. I sighed trying to think of things to do...I decided I might as well have my fun being off and that's what I did.

I flew threw the base on a rolling chair and a fire extinguisher, I had the extinguisher tight between my knees as I made sure I was strapped to the chair, I held the nozzle behind me and held it tight, as well as a air horn with my other hand. I had a traffic cone on my head for a helmet and took of down hallways sounding the air horn so everyone would get out of my way.

"Beep, Beep! Coming Through!" I yelled, as some army guys dodged me, "Are you off?" He yelled at me quick, I took it as a 'You got a free day but your still here' "Yeah!" I yelled back. I looked back and saw him shake his head with a few others as I continue my assault down hallways until the fire extinguisher ran out. Then I was back to being board once more.

I tried to find other things to do but guess what, no shocker, but I got 'grounded' to my office...that's right, Grounded. I had mixed skittles and M&M's together in a bowl and left it in the break room, replaced febreze in the bathrooms with air horns, and I guess the final straw was having either a paintball fight with the marines, not like I couldn't hold my own, or possibly the water balloon fight with the air force...But I'm 'grounded'. 

I was laying on my desk with my head upside down juggling a slinky, I had a toy box in my office because the toys would relive stress I would get with paper work. I sighed, what to do now? I then had my phone buzz with it playing 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger-Kelly Clarkson' with would be Megan's ringtone she put on my phone. I grabbed my phone before it fell off the desk next to me.

"Yo, What up Meg." I said as she chuckled, "Hey T what are you up today, I hope you aren't busy After all you promised." She sang, I checked the date on the calendar above the toy box, "Oh, is that what day it is?" I sang back, "Don't worry I'm not busy besides grounded by the general because of some harmless pranks an fun." I said back as I heard laughing on the end, guess she put it on speaker phone. "So, is Dashy coming out for charity or what?" Daisy asked, "Yeah I'll be there, after all I bet the base will thank god that I'm going out. So three day charity? cause that's all I got." I said, "Yep. see ya soon." Ashely said hanging up with byes in the back ground.

I grinned, I know what day it was, and getting grounded was...aw what the heck it wasn't part of the plan...all that much. I just thought they would kick me out. You see I help a charity that my friend Megan runs...a girls charity that helps orphans more or less...but when I said a girls charity...I meant it.

I told the general I was going to be out during the day for my day's off, I heard the whole room sigh in gratitude... I only grinned at that, while general was very glad to hear it. I left in my sports car and reached the old carwash the charity uses ever summer for these events. I walked in side carrying my duffle bag, "Megan, Ashely, Daisy, Penelope, Brittney, Tess, and the rest of ya! Hello!" I said walking into the old place of the 90's. The girls charity hang out.

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