Week 2: Score 0-2

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Diva's Battle Royal for the #1 Contender spot

"EXCUSE ME," Vickie Guerrero comes out yelling, "I SAID EXCUSE ME," she shouts once again. "Due to the unfair advantage that the Bella Twins had last week switching places I have revoked their number one contender-ship. So tonight there shall be a diva's battle royal to name the new number one contender to the Diva's Championship. The participants will consist of Natalya, AJ Lee, Layla, Aksana, Tamina, Alicia Fox, and Stephanie."

Backstage: In Vickie's office.

Stephanie comes into the room with frustration on her face.

"Can I help you, Stephanie?"

"Yeah, why am I having to compete in another match for the number one contender spot. I had the match won last week if the Bella's hadn't cheated. I should've at least been runner up for the spot."

"I didn't think it would be fair for the rest of the divas if I'd just given you the spot."

"But I've already competed for the spot."

"Hey, you should be happy that you're even a part of the match tonight. If I had it my way I'd keep you out of the match for being so disrespectful." Stephanie doesn't reply to her, "Now go get ready for you match."

Stephanie barges out of the room.

During the match:

The match is heated when Stephanie manages to eliminate nearly every diva in the ring. She has Tamina in the corner of the ring. Tamina pushes Stephanie back and gets herself away from the corner. Stephanie retaliates by kicking Tamina in the gut causing her to fall backwards through the first and second ropes, eliminating her.

Stephanie takes a breather as she stares down at Tamina who is slowly getting to her feet. Suddenly AJ scoops Stephanie up and over the ropes but she manages to hold onto the top ropes and remains on the apron. AJ then hits Stephanie with her elbow, knocking her off the apron and eliminating her thus giving her the win.

"Here is your winner, AJ Lee." Justin Roberts announces. AJ looks down at Stephanie who is sitting on her knees. AJ begins to laugh as she tilts her head at Stephanie.

Stephanie drops her head in her hands as she realizes that she failed once again unfairly.

After the match: Backstage

Stephanie is sitting on a crate in frustration from the outcome of the match. She suddenly feels a hand on her shoulder. She looks up to see John Cena with a smile. He's wearing his new white t-shirt along with his jean shorts and black You can't see me baseball cap.

"I saw what happened out there and I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Thanks, but losing two chances at a shot for the Diva's Championship isn't okay for me."

"Cheer up, you're still young and you've got plenty of time to chase after the title."

"John, I've already waited five years. I don't want to wait any more."

"Just remember what I say, Never Give Up."

Stephanie smirks, "Thanks."

"Look, I got a match up next so I'll catch you later?"

"Yea." John makes his way to the entrance of the arena.

Stephanie continues to think to herself, What can i do now?

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