Week 25: Lending The Shield

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AJ is talking to Big E about last week’s ambush, “Can you believe that I have to defend my title against both those losers for the championship this Sunday. I mean I’ve already beaten Stephanie and I have to have another match with her with the addition of another person involved in that match. Last week they cost me my match against Kaitlyn, which led to another one of her spears with her man arms and I got payback for what they did but suddenly that’s wrong and people and stipulations get added to matches. And what do you do? You do nothing but stand there with your arms crossed and you have to face Dean Ambrose tonight along with…” She stops and gasps at the thought, “Stephanie will obviously be there with him which means she’ll try to get her hands on me and then Alissa will want to get involved too which means I can’t go out there tonight.”

“AJ, listen…”

Big E gets interrupted by AJ bursting into laughter.

“You know what its okay because she wouldn’t dare put her hands on me. I mean I’m the Diva’s Champion I’m untouchable by her or that manly woman Alissa.” She begins to twirl her hair, “No one, even you, will know what I will do next. Good luck, E.” AJ skips down the hall leaving Big E to himself.

Big E Langston vs. Dean Ambrose w/ The Shield

Ambrose hits Big E with a DDT and a pin attempt but only gets a two count. Ambrose pushes Big E into the ropes to hang while he runs to the opposite ropes and bounces off to hit Big E with a dropkick. Ambrose picks Big E up and puts him in a headlock then twists him into a neckbreaker then goes for the cover but again only gets a two count. Stephanie, Seth, and Roman all stand at ringside getting frustrated with Dean over the two counts.

Big E begins to gains some momentum until when he goes for a clothesline off the ropes Ambrose reaches him with a knee to the gut. Ambrose bounces off the opposite ropes to hit Big E with another dropkick but gets cut off with a shoulder block. Big E picks Ambrose up and slams him down with a body slam. Seth jumps on the apron to distract the referee and Roman jumps into the ring to spear Big E but gets countered with a body press that knocks Roman out of the ring. Big E turns his attention to Seth and knocks him off the apron. Stephanie watches as Roman and Seth get taken out leaving Dean alone in the ring.

Stephanie is suddenly hit in the back by AJ. She delivers a series of punches and forearm hits. AJ picks Stephanie up and slams her into the steel steps, spine first.

Meanwhile in the ring, Dean manages to get Big E in the headlock but realizes that Stephanie is being attack and releases the hold on Big E. Just as Dean is about to exit the ring to help his girlfriend, Big E grabs him and rolls him up for a pin and gets the win.

“Here is your winner…Big E Langston.” Big E rejoins AJ up the ramp and through the curtains.

Dean rolls out of the ring to help Stephanie up and is joined by Seth and Roman. She’s barely moving as she holds onto her back. Seth and Roman help Stephanie to her feet until she reaches the guardrail where Dean carries her backstage.

Later that night: The Bella Twins vs. Alissa Flash & Stephanie Skye

The Bella twins are in the ring awaiting their opponents.

I get crazy sometimes start losing my mind I take it out on you…

“And their opponent, introducing first, from San Francisco, California…Alissa Flash.”

Alissa jumps in the ring and immediately the Bella Twins jump out to safety. Alissa leans into the corner awaiting her tag team partner.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta…S.H.I.E.L.D.

The Shield’s music plays for over a minute and still no one comes down the stairs. Alissa begin to question the referee on where Stephanie is.

After the music stops Brad Maddox emerges onto the stage, “I’m sorry Alissa, but I have to inform you that Stephanie has been examined by doctors and they are not allowing her to compete in tonight’s match after the injuries she sustained in the hands of AJ. I understand that you’re upset but its either she compete tonight and risk further injury or at Summerslam where she has had time to recuperate. So this match will now be a handicap match. Ring the bell.”

Just as the bells rings Alissa is ambushed by Nikki Bella and the match begins.

Throughout the match the Bella Twins have gained the upper hand with their advantage against Alissa. Brie has Alissa in the abdominal stretch. As Brie tightens her grip on the hold Alissa manages to get to her feet and hit Brie in the gut with her elbow until she releases the hold. Alissa bounces off the ropes but gets hit by Nikki in the corner.

Brie tags Nikki into the match. Nikki climbs the turnbuckle to hit Alissa with a diving cross body but Alissa uses her strength to catch her and hits her with a running body slam to the mat and a pin attempt but Brie jumps in to interrupt it. The referee manages to push Brie back into her corner. Nikki lifts Alissa by the hair but she gets hit in the gut with a knee then runs to knock Brie off the apron. Alissa turns her attention back to Nikki and picks her up for an Air Raid Crash, but gets distracted.

Let’s light it up, light it up, light it up, light it tonight…

AJ and Big E are standing on the stage watching Alissa.

Alissa holds onto Nikki for too long to the point where Brie comes back into the ring and hits Alissa in the back of the knee causing her to drop Nikki. As the referee pushes Brie back Nikki hits Alissa with a Bella Buster and a pin for the win.

“And here is your winner…Nikki and Brie, the Bella Twins.”

Brie and Nikki celebrate their win then surround Alissa. AJ begins to make her way to the ring as Nikki and Brie start to kick and punch Alissa until AJ gets into the ring. Alissa crawls to the corner of the ring to get to her feet. AJ waits for Alissa to get up and turn around so she can apply the black widow submission hold.

Just as AJ is about to apply the hold Dean, Seth and Roman jump into the ring and create a shield for Alissa. AJ, along with the Bella Twins, exit the ring and head back up the ramp wondering why the Shield would guard Alissa. Once Alissa realizes that the Shield saved her she question them in why they came out to help her, but they simply smirk at her and exit the ring.

Just as the Shield is retreating through the crowd Alissa sees Stephanie with her arms crossed at the top of the stairs with a smirk on her face before she leaves with the rest of the Shield to the backstage area.

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