Week 36: Join A New Family

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The Wyatt Family vs Sin Cara and Los Matadores

Eric Rowen is in the ring with Diego from Los Matadores. Diego is gaining some moment on Rowen with a pin attempt but only gets a two count by the interference by Luke Harper which causes Fernando to come in and clothesline Harper out of the ring. El Torito attempts to distract Harper outside the ring but he is pushed aside by Bray Wyatt.

Fernando dives off the top turnbuckle to hit Harper with a cross body but once he gets to his feet Bray grabs him and tosses him through the barricade. Bray begins to stalk El Torito but Sin Cara gets in between them until Rowan drags Sin Cara back into the ring. While distracted Diego manages to roll Rowan up for a pin but only gets a two count.

Diego tags in Sin Cara who gets to the top turnbuckle to deliver a dropkick on Rowan. Bray tags himself in to hit Sin Cara with a running cross body. With Sin Cara knocked down on the floor Bray grabs the top ropes and bends his body backwards as he laughs. He grabs Sin Cara and kisses his head as he delivers a Sister Abigail. He covers Sin Cara for the pin and the win.

"Here are your winners...The Wyatt Family."

Rowan and Harper join Bray Wyatt in the ring as he grabs a microphone. He hums a song before speaking, "Shield, you may think that you can start a war with me and my family but the only ending to that war would be all of you on the ground meeting Sister Abigail. My business is not with the Shield, it's with Stephanie Skye."

Backstage in an undisclosed area:

All members of the Shield are huddled up discussing the Wyatt family.

"Man, I could've gotten my hands on Bray Wyatt last week." Roman says.

"In time, we'll have our chance." Seth reassures him.

Dean jumps in the discussion, "He caused my girl the match last week and a loss from the Shield is not acceptable."

"Just like the loss we had two weeks ago against Daniel Bryan, Sheamus and John Cena." Romen reminded him.

Dean rolls his eyes, "I told you not to bring that up."

"The match was going fine, why did you have to jump in and cost us it?"

Seth gets in the middle, "That's enough guys, tonight we have to worry about watching out for the Wyatt's during Stephanie's match."

Dean turns towards Stephanie who is lost in thought, "Hey," He calls out snapping his fingers in her face until she finally blinks.

Stephanie snaps out of it, "What?"

"You alright?" Roman asks.

"Yeah, I'm still pissed about the loss. Plus, I want to know what they want from me."

"Don't worry about it, all three of us are going to be a ringside to make sure that doesn't happen to you this week." Seth responds.

"I won't let any of those hairy bums touch you." Dean says kissing her.

Stephanie smiles at them but is still thinking about what the Wyatt's may be planning towards her and the members of the Shield.

Tamina vs. Stephanie Skye w/ The Shield

Stephanie is in the ring, along with The Shield at ringside standing guard, waiting for Tamina to make her way to the ring. Suddenly the lights go out leaving Stephanie in the ring in complete darkness. Once the lights turn back on, Bray Wyatt is sitting in his rocking chair along with Rowan and Harper by his side. Quickly the Shield get in the ring to guard Stephanie but the Wyatt Family don't attempt to get in the ring. Instead Bray continues to sit in his rocking chair with a disturbing grimace on his face and looking into the eyes of a worried Stephanie.

"I have been watching you Stephanie, and I can see that you are a woman of great power. Let me ask you, how long are you willing to live this life, with the puppies that follow their tails around you. I understand you Stephanie. I see you for what you really are, but they see you as some sort of damsel in distress. I see the beautiful monster in you." He points at the rest of the Shield, "They can't love you, not like I can and together we can stand on top of the mountain to bring the peasants to their knees. Open your eyes." He begins to laugh a loud scary laugh as the lights went out again.

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