Week 46: Mysterious Figure

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"Please welcome my guests at this time, the Shield." Renee says. "How have you guys been coping with the betrayal of your former member, Stephanie Skye?"

"Hearts have been broken and we're still angry but that anger is what's going to give us an edge against the Wyatt's." Seth says. "Now we don't worry about the advantage that the Wyatt Family have on us with Stephanie."

"What a lot of people don't know is that we always have a plan B up our sleeves." Dean explains.

"Is there going to be any possible action towards Stephanie?" Renee asks.

"Stephanie made a choice," Roman adds, "in time, we'll find out if it was a good one. Believe that."

Bray Wyatt vs R-Truth

Bray gets up from his rocking chair and enter the ring where his opponent R-Truth is waiting. Once he gets in the ring the bell rings and the match begins.

The two lock up in the center of the ring but Bray shoves Truth into the corner yet he comes back with a series of forearm shots to Bray's head. R-Truth Irish whips Bray into the corner but Bray counters and shoots him into the corner instead. Truth jumps the corner just as Bray was about to sandwich him and back flips to the center of the ring. Bray swings a right hook but Truth ducks underneath it and delivers a single leg dropkick.

Harper jumps the apron to get involved but Truth manages to knock him off the apron and goes straight back for Bray but gets hit with a running cross body. Truth crawls to the corner but us crushed by Bray. He goes for the cover and gets the win by pin fall.

"The winner of this match...Bray Wyatt."

Harper, Rowan, and Skye enter the ring to join Bray. He calls Stephanie over as he orders Harper and Rowan to lift R-Truth. Bray whispers in her ear which causes her to smile. Stephanie walk over to R-Truth as she grabs him and deliver the Sister Abigail on him. Bray Wyatt and Stephanie stand over R-Truth along with Harper and Rowan.


All three members of the Shield are talking in a dark hallway. They all face towards a mysterious person behind a tall crate.

"So are we all on the same page with this plan?" Seth asks.

"Yeah this Sunday at TLC we'll conquer." Roman nods his head.

"The Wyatt Family will never see it coming." Dean adds. "No one's gonna expect it just like she planned."

The mysterious figure laughs, "Of course they won't because they think they've already won."

Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal vs Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose

Seth Rollins and Jinder Mahal start the match as they circle the ring. Rollins has Mahal in a waist lock but Jinder manages to get out of it and have a hold of Seth's arm. Seth rolls out of the hold and delivers a dropkick. Rollins hits Mahal with three suplexes and tags in Dean Ambrose. Mahal sits up but gives Ambrose a chance to hit him with a dropkick and he goes for the pin but only gets a two count. Dean ounces off the ropes to hit an elbow drop followed by a stomp to the chest of Jinder Mahal. He lifts Mahal up and shoves him in the corner to tag in Seth Rollins. Jinder Mahal manages to get a knee to Seth's gut and a shot to the head.

Mahal takes Seth to their corner and tags in his partner, Drew McIntyre, who delivers a suplex to Seth. Drew taunts the Shield which gives Seth a chance to get closer to his corner but Drew grabs him by the leg. Seth counters with a kick to the head and goes to tag in Dean. He runs in to clothesline Drew and manages to knock off Jinder Mahal from the apron. Drew tries to get a hit in by bouncing off the ropes but Dean catches up to him to deliver a knee to the abdomen. He pushes McIntyre to the rope while he bounces off the ropes and hits him with a drop kick. Mahal jumps in the ring to punch Dean but manages to duck underneath it and into Seth Rollins who tosses him outside the ring and hits him with a spring board cross body. Drew pushes Dean into the ropes but Dean comes back with a hard clothesline leading into Dirty Deeds for the pin and the win.

"Here is your winner...The Shield."

Dean Ambrose picks up a microphone, "This is how easily we will destroy the Wyatt's this Sunday at TLC. They think they've separated the Shield but we are stronger than ever."

Seth takes the microphone, "This Sunday Stephanie is going to be sorry that she decided to turn her back on us. We don't take backstabbing very lightly."

"TLC. The same pay-per-view we won and conquered last year for the first time in our career. You know what they say, history is doomed to repeat itself." Roman adds.


Who do you think is the Shield's plan B? An old enemy? A new ally?

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