Week 32: Unlikely Turn Of Events

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Cameron w/ Naomi vs. Stephanie Skye w/ Dean Ambrose

Stephanie and Cameron are in the corner fighting while Naomi waves around her pomp pomps and Dean Ambrose is watching near the announce table. Cameron rolls Stephanie up for a two count. Stephanie crawls away to get to her feet but Cameron hits her with two cotheslines and a dropkick. Cameron begins taunting Stephanie by dancing around the ring. She lifts Stephanie to her feet and attempts to toss her into the corner but Stephanie reverses it and tosses Cameron into the corner. Cameron hits Stephanie with a kick to the stomach and climbs up the turnbuckle but Stephanie quickly jumps to the top rope to hit her with a hurricarana.

Stephanie picks Cameron up and tosses her out the ring onto the floor in front of Dean Ambrose. Stephanie jumps down to grab Cameron by the hair and slam her face first on the floor. Naomi starts to shout at Stephanie, getting her attention. Stephanie goes up to Naomi and pushes her back, causing her to land on her back. Naomi get to her feet to try and attack Stephanie but she runs away from her. Naomi chases her until Dean Ambrose blocks her path to Stephanie. Ambrose intimidates Naomi to back away while Stephanie taunts her behind Dean.

Stephanie grabs Cameron by the hair and rolls her back into the ring. Naomi draws Stephanie's attention once again giving Cameron the opportunity to get her in a roll up but only for a two count. Stephanie quickly gets to her feet and kick Cameron in the abdomen to hit her with a sunset flip for the pin and the win.

"Here is your winner...Stephanie Skye."

Dean gets in the ring and Stephanie jumps on him. She kisses him and laughs at Cameron while Naomi is helping her get to her feet. Stephanie and Dean leave the ring together to get ready for the Shield's match later that night.

The Shield vs. Daniel Bryan and CM Punk

The match is going on as Daniel Bryan is fighting against Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns outside of the ring. CM Punk and Dean Ambrose are the legal men. Stephanie is at ringside watching the match. Suddenly out of no where AJ comes up behind her and attacks her along with Tamina. They get the upper hand on her until AJ begins to skip around taunting which gives Stephanie an opportunity to gain momentum against Tamina by knocking her out with a high kick to the head. Stephanie grabs AJ and tosses her towards the steel steps. AJ flies into the steps and rolls around the ground holding her knee in pain. Stephanie continues her attack on her but Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns pull her off of AJ as medical staff attend to her.

Back in the ring, CM Punk has Dean in the anaconda vise submission. As Ambrose's hand begins to shake the lights go out. Once the lights turn back on Luke Harper and Erick Rowen standing in one corner and CM Punk along with Daniel Bryan on the other side. Seth gets in the ring to help Dean in the middle of the ring. Roman and Stephanie are outside the ring confused about what is going on. Punk pushes Rollins into Harper who pushes Seth out of the way. Seth Rollins gets upset about being pushed into people.

Rolins and Harper begins to argue when Ambrose gets in the middle of them to pull Seth back. Once Dean begins to tell Harper off Rowen gets in his face then all four of them are getting in each other's faces. Seth begins to become the voice of reason and pulls Ambrose back to calm down. Rowen and Harper begin to back away as well. For a moment it seems that they are calming down but suddenly both Ambrose and Harper begin to throw punches and then Rollins gets involved with Rowen.

With all four of them unleashing everything in the ring Roman goes over to Bray Wyatt to get him to call back his guys which leads into a brawl between him and Wyatt. Reigns gets Bray Wyatt into the ring and continue to fight. Stephanie looks on and wonders how she's going to get them to stop. She gets in the ring and tries to get in between Dean and Harper but isn't able to split them a part. Once Roman stops attacking Wyatt he comes to help her pull Harper off of Ambrose then Rowen off of Rollins.

Once the Shield recruit together Stephanie stands in front of them to hold them back while Bray Wyatt holds back Rowen and Harper. Stephanie hugs Dean to hold him back. The Wyatt family begins to slowly leave the ring. Bray Wyatt begins to smile while looking at Stephanie who's still hugging and comforting Dean.


A/N: I hope you are enjoying the story so far because it's about to get better. I was thinking about making a behind the scenes story of what's happening after the story is over like Total Divas if u want it let me know and if u have some ideas feel free to message me them...thanks :)

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