Week 5: Taken In Plain Sight

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John Cena and Stephanie are in the locker room.

"Look, Steph, I don't know what the Shield is trying to do but I want you to be at ringside in my match tonight."

"John, that's not necessary. I really don't think they're going to do anything to me anyways."

"You don't know that. They've blindsided too many superstars backstage and I don't want to risk it. Now I would feel more comfortable if you were close by so I can keep my eye on you just in case anything happens."

"Fine, just for your piece of mind I'll sit by, but I seriously doubt anything will happen tonight."

John Cena w/ Stephanie vs. Mark Henry

John Cena and Mark Henry had their chances to overpower one another. Now the two are outside of the ring, John is on the ground while Mark Henry starts tearing the announce table a part. Mark grabs John and lifts him preparing to slam him onto the table but John jumps out of his grasp and attempts to lift Mark for the attitude adjustment but Mark hits John in the back. Mark once again lifts him then slams him into the ring post. Mark tries to push John into the steel steps but John counters it causing Mark to hit them instead. John jumps into the ring before the referee reaches the ten count.

"Here's is your winner by way of count out...John Cena."

Stephanie is standing at ringside when suddenly the Shield appears without warning. Roman grabs Stephanie's upper body while Dean grabs her legs. Stephanie squirms and screams but isn't able to get away. John notices and exits the ring to stop them. He manages to punch Seth Rollins but is immediately cut off by Mark Henry. Stephanie attempts to fight her way free but Roman Reigns manages to pick her up over the guardrail. He passes her over to Dean Ambrose who carries her over his shoulder as Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins follow.

Mark Henry delivers a worlds strongest slam to John.

John slowly gets up with the help of the referee, "Where's Stephanie?" He asks the referee who shrugs his shoulders, "Where'd they go?" The referee point past the guardrail into the direction the Shield took Stephanie.

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