Week 24: Winner Gets AJ

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AJ Lee w/ Big E Langston vs. Kaitlyn

AJ has the upper hand on Kaitlyn with her arm in a submission hold. Kaitlyn begins to attack AJ but gets caught with a DDT to her arm. AJ goes for the pin but only gets a two count.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta…S.H.I.E.L.D.

AJ looks around and spots Stephanie at the top of the stairs with the Shield behind her including Dean Ambrose who has his arms around her shoulders. She waves at AJ and pretends to be impressed by her by applauding her.

AJ gets up and bounces off the ropes but gets hit with a hard clothesline by Kaitlyn. AJ gets to her feet quickly to get Kaitlyn off her momentum but again gets hit with another clothesline. She rolls out of the ring to leave the match but stops in her tracks.

I get crazy sometimes start losing my mind I take it out on you…

Alissa comes out and stands on the stage with her arms crossed giving AJ nowhere to go but inside the ring.

AJ climbs back in the ring and immediately gets caught with a spear by Kaitlyn. She goes for the cover and get the win.

“Here is your winner…Kaitlyn.”

Alissa looks up at Stephanie then back at AJ with a grin before leaving. The Shield applauds AJ as Stephanie wraps her arms around Dean’s waist with a smile on her face. Just as AJ regains consciousness the Shield disappears behind the curtain of the entrance.

AJ realizes that she has lost her match and instantaneously she begins her psychotic meltdown in the ring.

Stephanie Skye w/ Dean Ambrose vs. Alissa Flash

“The following match is scheduled for one fall and the winner of this match will face AJ Lee in two weeks at Summerslam.”

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta…S.H.I.E.L.D.

“Being accompanied to the ring by the Shield…Stephanie Skye.”

Stephanie comes down the stairs with the boys. Dean gestures to Seth and Roman to head back as he and Stephanie go down towards the ring. Dean sits on the middle rope to let Stephanie into the ring. She sits in the corner as Dean stands beside her on the apron as they wait.

I get crazy sometimes start losing my mind I take it out on you…

“Her opponent from San Francisco, California…Alissa Flash.”

Once Alissa enters the ring she keeps her eyes on Stephanie, even when she takes her leather jacket off. Dean pats Stephanie on the back before jumping down the apron. The referee checks both the woman then rings the bell.

The two women circle the ring until they finally lock up. Alissa gets the first hit with a knee to the gut along with a punch into the corner. Alissa launches Stephanie into the opposite corner and runs to hit her but Stephanie dodges with a shoulder block. Stephanie grabs Alissa by her hair and tosses her into the corner. She delivers a stinger body splash knocking Alissa down into the corner. Stephanie backs up and hits her with a low dropkick.

Alissa crawls to the middle of the ring where Stephanie drops her fists to her spine. Stephanie lifts Alissa to her feet and shoves her into the ropes to deliver a series of slaps to her chest. Stephanie irish whips her into the opposite ropes but Alissa counters underneath and pulls Stephanie into her knee. As Stephanie bends over in pain, Alissa bounces off the ropes and hits her with a hard clothesline. Alissa charges at Stephanie with a kick in the back and continues the attacks as Stephanie tries to crawl towards Dean for help.

Alissa catches her against the bottom ropes and steps on her back, pushing her against the rope and releases it before the count of five. Alissa lifts Stephanie by the hair and shoves her into the corner as she jumps on the second rope and kicks her in the side of the head. Stephanie falls to the ground as Alissa goes for a pin attempt but she kicks out at two. Alissa sits Stephanie up and lodges her knee into Stephanie’s spine while pulling her arms back. Dean begins to tap on the apron to get Stephanie’s adrenaline going as it begins to work.

Stephanie rises to her feet as Alissa continues to hold on to her arms. Once Stephanie is close to getting free Alissa shoves her knee into the gut of Stephanie then punches her. She bounces off the ropes to hit her with a forearm but Stephanie manages to cut her off with a discus clothesline. Stephanie gets up and lifts Alissa for a body slam but she squirms out of it to land behind her. Alissa pushes Stephanie into the rope which causes her to bounce back where Stephanie hits her with a Sunset Flip.

Stephanie has Alissa in a pin, but the referee gets distracted when Big E Langston is standing on the apron shouting at him. Stephanie stands behind the referee to get his attention again. Dean grabs Big E by the legs and pulls him from the apron. Big E and Dean battle outside the ring as Stephanie brings her focus back to Alissa, but gets hit by AJ with her championship belt. AJ begins to laugh and then turns her attention to Alissa, who’s attempting to get to her feet, once she catches her balance AJ knocks Alissa down and kicks her out of the ring.

Big E and Dean finally separate themselves. Big E meets up with AJ at the ramps as Dean gets in the ring. Alissa sits up and watches as AJ laughs at her pain. Dean helps Stephanie sit up as he cradles her in his arms.

Later that night: Backstage.

AJ is making her way to the exit with Big E until she is stopped by Vickie, "What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm about to leave to go home."

"How dare you interfere in the match between Flash and Skye after I told you not to."

"Yeah well they interfered in my match so I though I could return the favor. Now there is no competitor against me at Summerslam."

"That's what you think but I've come up with the perfect match for you. At Summerslam, it's going to be you vs. Alissa Flash vs. Stephanie Skye in a triple threat match."


"I also mentioned a repercussion if you intervened in their match. So if Alissa Flash wins she'll be getting a long term contract, but if Stephanie Skye wins then she will be able to compete for the Diva's Championship again." Vickie smiles and walks away leaving AJ to have her meltdown with Big E.

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